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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey im Chloe umm ive got brown hair brown eyes and olivey skin. im freindly, always up for a laugh, though not generous when it comes to food...i.e. chocolate so i wouldnt bother asking the word share is not in my dictionary!!Ive got a fabulous horse called puzzle and im really into my riding! my life basically revolve around riding, shopping, partying and having fun i guess haha.I love all my friends, they are great - the swanmore ski girlies haha and my darling holly! I have a load of great guy mates too, who do admitedly rip it out of me all day everyday, though always make me smile when i really am down...I LOVE YOU HARRI you are the bestest friend ever!So dont really know what else to say, thats me i guess! MySpace Profile Photo Editor Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
Name: Chloe O'Malley
Birthdate: 20/12/1990
Birthplace: Winchester
Current Location: Waltham Chase
Eye Color: Hazely
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: around 5"7/5"8...i think
Weight: cannot be disclosed
Piercings: jus one in my ears
Tatoos: hate them
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope
Overused Phraze: uuuhhh or umm ulternatively hhmmm
Food: Chocolate!!
Candy: floss
Number: 8
Color: Turquoise
Animal: manatees
Drink: Anything thats going
Alcohol Drink: vodka and lemonade - double obviously
Bagel: with all the seed on!!
Letter: huh??? well with money in i guess...
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes, hair also important
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry - there is no contest
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot tea - earl grey only, two an half sugars
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate all the way
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Kiss
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: Love of course!!
Bedtime: when i want!!
Most Missed Memory: Bizarre Night!!! (ask the sisters!!) haha
Best phyiscal feature: eyes me thinks
First Thought Waking Up: more sleep. . . so warm
Goal for this year: complete it
Best Friends: ultimate is the lovely harriet of course
Weakness: Bad boys
Fears: I have no fear....hhhmmm
Heritage: bit of everything - scottish irish portugese
Longest relationship: about a year
Ever Drank:&..39;
Ever Smoked: Never!!
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: very
Ever been beaten up: not yet!!
Ever beaten someone up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: never
Ever Skinny Dipped: still to come
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: not in such words
Favorite Eye Color: no particualr colour, but striking
Favorite Hair Color: dark (tho blonds are also hot!!)
Short or Long: Short, but not too short
Height: taller than me
Style: individual (but not embarresingly soo)
Looks or Personality: Personality all the way
Hot or Cute Flaming HOT
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: Thousands - but there in the past now
What country do you want to Visit: Everywhere in africa - safari
How do you want to Die: Peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes, today actually
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes, although they gave my dog a stroke :-(
Get along with your Parents: Always
Health Freak: uh nooo
Do you think your Attractive: Not particularly
Believe in Yourself: to do what exactly???
Want to go to College: Yes
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Drink: Yes
Shower Daily: Dont be silly
Been in Love: It couldnt of been love
Do you Sing: When i think no one can hear
Want to get Married: Yes
Do you want Children: Lots
Have your future kids names planned out: Yes - very sadly i do
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: when i feel ready i guess
Hate anyone: not particularly
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My Interests

Horse ridingKarateShoppingMo Jive, haPartyingI think i should really mention staying in, pigging out and watching tele...but i dont think i do that much do i tiss?!Generally having fun i guess?!

I'd like to meet:

Alex Pettyfer (cant spell) but hes the hottie from stormbreaker! Owen Wilson...because he could make me laugh all day Interesting people in general!


Most music is great i listen to pretty much anything except some of harris hardcore crap!! ;-) ok so i think ill give the list...the jam, the view, underground heroes, Jason Mraz, Razorlight, the killers, MUSE, Artic Monkeys, the Fratellis, Wolf Mother, the beatles, the wombats, the pidgeon detectives, Air Traffic, Kooks, Pendulum, Faithless, Basement Jaxx, Kate Nash, Remi nicole, Lilly Allen, the streets, the twang, Enemy, The editors, the coral, Gym Class Heroes, Dirty Pretty Things, Rodrigo y Gabriella, The Strokes, Blur, The libertines, Jimmy Cliff, Bob Marley, UB40, Nina Simone, The holloways, The Gossip, Bloc Party, Bon Jovi, Kings of Leon, System of a down, PANIC! At the disco, Fall out boy, Daft Punk, Daniel Bedingfield, McFly, loads of stuff basically but i cant be bothered to write anymore! CODA also...i love you all x


Bad Boys 1 and 2 all the way...will smith is so hot! I also love anything with owen wilson, ben stiler, vince vaughn and that crew...they are bloody hilarious! Film thats made me laugh most - Hot Fuzz - i was so embarresingly histerical!!


Hollyoaks, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Waterloo Road, Skins


His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman Memoirs of a Geisha The Gospel according to Chris Moyels - hilarious The list goes on...I read everything i love it haha


My family deserve a special mention, though there is a bloody lot of them... The rents - well its not really very cool to talk about them over myspace is it now?! The Beloved Sisters - scarlett, chop, o, vicky, anna - are the best sisters ever though a little crazy (poor stephen and swaz can vouch for that - bizzare night 2007!)Fact Cow, my myspace hero, whom makes myspace fun, and banishes my days of bordem...My friends whoom i have already given a little mention, but they are amazing and i love you all...HARRI - for being the bestest friend ever, always being there for me, love you!ER - For walking home from school with me for 5 years in rain and snow...the worst days were the sunny ones, for coming to greece with me and for always making me laugh! i can always rely on you, LoVEr forever eh?!BP - For being in most of my classes and being one of the funniest people i know!Em - For knowing me most of my life, letting my cat out to be sick haha...and accompaning me to muse! what a night, that i will never ever foget!BM - For being my english buddy - z9 all the way! and for putting up with me jabbering on about my love life the whole bloody time!Hols - For never having nothing to talk about, you put a smile on my face when no one else could at 5 oclock in the morning!Pheebs - For our rebellious days in year 9, and being form buds in the original forms back in the day! and for having the most hilarious laugh i ever did hear!Lauren - my tanning rival, for having the ability to liven up any situation, and for being (no offence meant) as greedy as me! :-)Nikki - My little pink panther, for always making me laugh, for the sea cow incident, and for rising above it when we were making fun of you about getting burnt! we only jest!All of them for this....