I read and read and read. For school and for pleasure. I love my morning walks around Eureka. I have begun woodworking, little projects on my own, bigger ones with my dad's help.
Right now I am totally into folk music. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg, Phil Ochs etc. My old punk records are brought out on occasion.
I do not watch movies with violence. That does mean I've missed out on what are supposed to be wonderful, but I try to stick to my ethics.
Guilty pleasure - True Hollywood Story and Dr. 90210. Otherwise I mainly watch old movies on Turner Classic Movies.
Where do I start? Basic list - Kurt Vonnegut, Sommerset Maughm, Jane Austen. Well that's a start.
Allen Ginsberg. He did what he wanted and what he believed in. Che Guevara, like his politics hate his violence (hypocritical choice I know). My parents - they have the type of relationship I aspire to.