Samantha profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I have just moved to Eureka to get out of the Hell that is Sacramento. I am working on my MA in Liberal Arts. A degree which will in no way make me more employable. Just a great way to increase my body of knowledge. I am a true scorpio and can be pretty intense which can either be pretty cool or annoying. I try to keep it in check, but am not very successful. I am definately not what I look like on the surface. Yes, some of my tastes are very sedate but deep down I'm not. I'm trying to hone my writing skills so that maybe I can have a writing career, move on to a phD, or be a college professor when all of this schooling is done.Check out my blog:

My Interests

I read and read and read. For school and for pleasure. I love my morning walks around Eureka. I have begun woodworking, little projects on my own, bigger ones with my dad's help.


Right now I am totally into folk music. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg, Phil Ochs etc. My old punk records are brought out on occasion.


I do not watch movies with violence. That does mean I've missed out on what are supposed to be wonderful, but I try to stick to my ethics.


Guilty pleasure - True Hollywood Story and Dr. 90210. Otherwise I mainly watch old movies on Turner Classic Movies.


Where do I start? Basic list - Kurt Vonnegut, Sommerset Maughm, Jane Austen. Well that's a start.


Allen Ginsberg. He did what he wanted and what he believed in. Che Guevara, like his politics hate his violence (hypocritical choice I know). My parents - they have the type of relationship I aspire to.

My Blog

Small town paper reports on mentally ill gun

      This is what my parents woke up to last week when they were reading the paper with their morning coffee.  My dad said you write stuff, write about these idiots.  The id...
Posted by Samantha on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:53:00 PST

ahhh vicodin

Went and complained to the doctor about my level of pain. finally got the vicodin I knew would work, as well as make me feel a. o.k. Must stop whining about injuries. Working hard on classes in bet...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Just cut my leg off

After a week of tendonitis in right ankle, sprained left ankle and bursitis in left hip (because of wearing boot on tendonitis ankle) I'm ready to call it a day. The doctors don't give me enough pain...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

For Christ sake take the phone out of my hand

I'm realising how much fucking time I spend on the phone. I tend to spend more time talking to friends that way then in person. I also seem to be pissing people off because of it. Yes, I guess I ca...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST