About Me
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Roby J born in La Spezia (Italy) on the 16th January 1963. From the early age of three he moves on the town of Genoa with all his family, where he still lives now. His first approach with the music is at the age of fiftheen, starting to work for a local radio station called "Radio Genova Starfire", proposing a top 10 charts programme, he keeps on working for various radio station until the 1983 where he starts to have his top 10 programme in one of the most important radio in Genoa: "Radio Magic Sound". During that year Roby J starts his first experience as a dj becoming resident at the "Paips" (Genoa), a venue that acquires originality since he starts to work in there and attracting most of the Genoese crowd at his nights, Roby J stays at the Paips until the summer of '84 to start hi djing for another venue "The Camargue" in the riviera of Genoa (Rapallo) where sees him working until the summer of '89. During this time his music evolves towards new tendencies: from new wave to funky and reggae, with his own live rap sets during his gigs.
During his last residency at the Camargue Roby j starts to play house music during his nights, and on the 18th february 1990 they call him for the opening of the "Imperiale" (Tirrenia), a venue that will became one of the most well known clubs in Italy,and where Roby j will stay a resident dj until the summer of the same year. This is a moment of new experience for Roby with his new residency at the "Barcaccina" with Francesco Farfa ( Who will became not only a great person to work with but also one of Roby J's best friends ) Until the summer of '91 Roby J stays at the "Barcaccina", and in the meanwhile he meets the new resident dj of the Imperiale: Miki "The dolphin". The june of '91 is one of the most important moment for Roby Jand his music where with Francesco Farfa and Miki they start the "After Hours" at the venue "Duple" (Aulla) and where in the month of august they play for the first time at the "Space" in Ibiza; also during this time he starts his collaboration with the "Cosmos Fact" in Paris playing at the different rave in Capital. In the 1992 Roby J stays resident at the Duple until the summer and in the winter he starts to work for another venue in Tuscany: "La Cicala" in Viareggio. During january '93 Roby J starts to work for Antonio Velasquez art director of the "Insomnia" in Ponsacco Pisa, where becomes resident in the "Patchwork Place". At the end of the season Roby J starts his residency at the "Desko" (Livorno), and winter '93-'94 he goes back at the Duple' and after he starts to work at the "Covo di Nord Est" in his hometown.
During the summer he works freelance all around Italy, France and Benidorm (Spain) in the winter season Roby works as a resident at the "Tenax" in Florence and at the "Ashram" in MOntecatini (Pistoia).
During this time he collaborates with the after hour "The west" in the summer Roby mainly plays at the "Musiko" (Jesolo -VE), and after he starts to work freelance until may '96 where is cooperates for Antonio Velasquez Production. In february '97 they called him for his new residency at the "Jaiss" (Empoli) and in June '97 Roby starts to work at the Imperiale all throught the summer.
In the month of August '97 Roby J goes again to Spain and plays in Benidorm (Penelope, Amnesia e Pacha) and in Barcelona in a club called "La Cova". In the last three months of 1997 ROby J is working in Jaiss (Empoli) and he makes collaborations with many Italian clubs : Like Kilton (Cagliari), Opera' (Lecce), Piper and Arabesque (Rome), Cyborg (Attigliano), Red Zone (Perugia), Hacienda (Savona) and many others.Actually, in 2007, as producer is working to any new projects, the first of them is surely "Exelent trite" together his friends Paolo Driver and Alberto Bof, as dj he is working as freelance everywhere there is a right situation to do a good job.Logo Roby J is unique and not easy to forget (thanks to his 2,03 metres of height !!!) but this is not the only reason....His music has been and still is a constant evolution, a total research towards the positive energy that is inside every single mankind, something that opens inside our deeper self with a smiling look at the cosmic.
Music is his life.....to be continued..........