My interests.....Well I have a I said earlier I am really into anything that catches my attention....But I have to say that my all time favorite things....are sports...I am a HUGE sports buff...and then I am going to school for cosmotology so hair, makeup, nails, and fashion are all in there as well.
In all honesty I love meeting new people so anyone really just make sure that you catch my attention or I will give you the boot.
Music...I love music...but here is the thing...growing up I was really sheltered and could only listen to christian music and I know a hell of alot of country...but I have been listening to a lot of other music right now I am really into rock....absolutely love it...and I am also listing to a lot of the hip hop dance music....but yea that is about it.
Ok, I love movies I am a big big movie buff and I love horror I love to be scared. I also like the little kids movies like the disney movies. My favorite disney movie is The Little Mermaid.
I like to watch the tv every once in a while but i am normally out or watching a movie so i don't watch to much cable. Which is probably a good thing since you cant believe half the shit that they put on that god damn thing now a days. lol
My favorite book is Where the Red Fern Grows. I know it is a little babish but I fell in love with the book the first time i read it.