Denver’s music scene |
though my role in it is small, i'm still really proud to be part of such a vibrant, positive local music scene. i'm thankful to Ric Baca for taking the time to make the mainstream aware of what's goin... Posted by EERRYYCC on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 12:24:00 PST |
The Missing Piece, by Shel Silverstein |
My cousin, Linda, who is quite a bit older than me, always gave me the best books as a child. As a father, I'm rediscovering a number of those gifts. Right now, The Missing Piece is a favorite for bot... Posted by EERRYYCC on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:40:00 PST |
Chocolate |
Let's say you're kinda feeling hungry and craving something sweet. On a countertop across the room, you spot a chocolate bar. You haven't seen this chocolate bar before. From across the room, the only... Posted by EERRYYCC on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST |
The end of summer |
The Sun's away
And the bird estranged;
The wind has dropped,
And the sky's deranged;
Summer has stopped.
Robert Browning (181289)... Posted by EERRYYCC on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:30:00 PST |
i lost a friend today |
i just happened to notice that my friend count on myspace went down by one today. how sad i am. did someone un-friend me (or de-friend me or perform a friendectomy on me)? or did someone simply delete... Posted by EERRYYCC on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:57:00 PST |
hot hot heat |
jesus harold christ, i'm tired of being hot. i've taken to wearing a t-shirt that has been soaked in cold water to keep cool. how ghetto am i? if you steal this idea, i welcome you to my fraternity. a... Posted by EERRYYCC on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:56:00 PST |
aging prematurely |
my profile says i'm 35 years blog says i'm far as i know, i'll be 35 for a few more days - just a few.damned myspace.i knew it would speed up the aging process.i just didn't know it would... Posted by EERRYYCC on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:22:00 PST |
drumming |
blood on the skinthese once dormant handspound out a rhythmlost to the yearslost to the busyyears of not poundingears poundingpulse poundingblood on the skinjoints bruised and achingecstaticnostalgicc... Posted by EERRYYCC on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST |
fireworks, part un |
The 4th of July is quickly becoming an obsolete holiday - at least, among the people with whom I choose to associate. Either that or the people with whom I choose to associate are quickly becoming the... Posted by EERRYYCC on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:49:00 PST |
Bukowski as motivational speaker |
my good friend, doug, sent me this poem by bukowski. i wasn't aware he (i mean bukowski, not doug) had this side to him. great stuff. i wanted to keep it, but wasn't sure where to put it where i would... Posted by EERRYYCC on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:38:00 PST |