Abbi profile picture


"most people don't know how to make love"

About Me

???? ???????? ???? ?????, ????????? ???????? ? ??? ? ??????......
Which L Word Character are you?
Alice - You're creative and witty (well, you came up with the whole chart thing didn't you?). You're really there for your friends, and you like to be the mastermind behind the scenes. On the down side, you tend to let people walk all over you sometimes...but it's ok, you just need you're friends to help you know when to say "Step off Bitch".
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My sucky Stripper Song Is
She Wants to Move by N.E.R.D.
"Her off beat dance makes me fantasize
(Her curves) She's sexy!!"
I have 100% sex appeal. As simple as that.
MY Personality Profile
You are sexy, powerful, and bold.
You're full of passion and energy...
Sometimes this passion has a dark side.
I feel most alive when I'm seducing someone.
I never fail to get someone's attention.
Quick minded, I'm also quick to lose my temper! Oh dear! >.< The World's Shortest Personality Test..???????? ????????????, ?????? ???? ??????????

My Interests

Ping pong, barcodes, hiding under rocks for long amounts of time, girls, frogs legs, dried chewy gum on bottoms of tables, John Howard, playing bongos on balds peoples heads, dancing to the congos in Africa, drinking vodka with Russian fishermen, homework, driving in my gogo mobile, singing in the rain, long walks on the beach, canlelit dinners, white nights and black days, hot steamy sex, Ludwig van Beetoven, soggy cereal, pop-ups, research, options, hotmail, fact and fiction, truth not lies, salad fingers, mother Russia, Jim and the twins, thong songs...............................anything else?????????????<a href='ht

I'd like to meet:

Like minded boys and girls... Damm thats cheezy... lol

.. MySpace Glitter Graphics ..


.. MySpace Glitter Graphics ..Absolutely mad about Brian Molko from if u DONT like him or Placebo, please do keep it to yourself. I also like London After Midnight, My chemical romance, Garbage, Muse, Funeral for a friend, Athlete, Scissor Sisters, Coldplay, Oasis, The Cure, Flyleaf, The streets,The Strokes,old skool, and anything which is alternative. Gotta love it. =)

music song lyrics


Velvet goldmine (Brian's in it), Cruel intentions, Lola Rennt (run Lola run), thirteen,Meet Joe Black, Before sunrise, Before sunset, Amile, American Beauty,Noi the albino, Moulin Rouge (gotta love the Bohemian rhapsody). Any you wanna suggest? oh Eurotrip too, its funny.


Little Britain...yeh but, no but And def. The Mighty Boosh!> <..


Sexual fantasies of the Cardboard Box pt. 2...Jealous much?? ;)


You...Dramatic Lemur
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My Blog

Shamanic Drumming.

Shamanic Drumming Observation... interesting I say. if you jst clear your mind and focus on the candles you kinda start transing. hmm.App:Native Americans and most of the indigenous peoples o...
Posted by Abbi on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 01:57:00 PST

SWEET, short film feat. Boosh boys

SWEET hmm.. i think i love elephants now. lol.xxAbbi...
Posted by Abbi on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 07:40:00 PST

Dylan Moran on men, women, relationships and genitilia.

Wow he's funny, clever and unbelievably hot! Id tap that!xxAbbi...
Posted by Abbi on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:54:00 PST

The ravers manifesto

Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics o...
Posted by Abbi on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 03:15:00 PST


You know what really frusterates me? the fact that no more can i be honest on this shit. fucking furious. what the fuck am i ment to do if i cant even rant and rave about how i really do honestly feel...
Posted by Abbi on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 02:28:00 PST

Trance & ...

This might be handy for me, or you one day. ;)xxAbbi...
Posted by Abbi on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 07:41:00 PST

Perfect day

Remeber this one kids? Wow it takes me back to when i watched Beatrix Potter on ABC as a kid. Loved it...And still love it....
Posted by Abbi on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:20:00 PST


Spiritual huh?xxAbbi...
Posted by Abbi on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:56:00 PST

FUnny shit

WAtch for the pirate speak.Cats Talking .....
Posted by Abbi on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:31:00 PST

Soundwave 08

Well like most people my age who have some extraction of taste i went to the soundwave music festival. And now is the task of recording how my version of the day went. I got there around 12.30. it was...
Posted by Abbi on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 02:03:00 PST