writing. art. cuddling. dreamwalking. energy. enlightenment. feeding my brain. feng shui. harmony. inspiration. interesting people. Isis. karma. kissing. laughing. living organically. letting my mind flow. making a difference. pushing boundaries. meditation. minimalism. nudism. piercings. photography. the revolution. sociology. spirits. stones. spoken word. tattoos. yoga.
VIDEO:Dragonforce - through the fire and the flame
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---MUSIC--- OTEP. Assisted Suicide Assembly. Blinded Colony. Camille. Colbie Caillat. Conspiracy Assassins. Deftones. DragonForce. Flogging Molly. Harvest the Murdered. head. Marilyn Manson. Munly and the Lee Lewis Harlots. Painstake. The Pretense. Rage Against The Machine. The Ramones. REM. Seven Year Existence. Slipknot. Sonic Syndicate. tapes 'n tapes. Tool. The Transplants. Tut. ---SPOKEN WORD--- Cottonmouth Texas. Lydia Lunch. Marty McConnell. NYOIL. {...shadows...}. Otep Shamaya. Saul Williams.
What the Bleep Do We Know?. Abominations. Lest We Forget. 25th Hour. Animatrix. The Birdcage. Crash. Donnie Darko. Fight Club. Frida. Fried Green Tomatoes. High Art. House of Sand and Fog. The Journey. Palindromes. Pi. Pulp Fiction. Requiem for a Dream. Run Lola Run. Saw I-III. Slam. Spun. Supersize Me. Thirteen. Titus. The Triplets of Belleville. V for Vendetta. Waking Life.
Arrested Development. Art 21. Aural Salvation (internet). Nearthwort Obtain (podcast/radio). Nip/Tuck.
Samuel Beckett. EE Cummings. Malcom Gladwell. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Stephen King. JT Leroy. Gary Indiana. Lydia Lunch. Jeff Noon. Chuck Palahniuk. Edgar Allen Poe. James Redfeild. Jean Paul Sartre. William Shakespeare. Sophocles. The Warrens. Andrzej Zaniewski. and various art books