Tricycle Records profile picture

Tricycle Records

one year old!

About Me

Tricycle Records is a small label based in San Francisco, CA. Our philosophy is simple. We believe artists should maintain control of their music through the production process. Once a record is mastered we step in to distribute and promote it. We provide our bands with a strong media package along with PR, booking and distribution through the Tricycle Records catalog. We support independent artists that need to professionalize their look, sell records and increase their presence in the Indie music industry. At the end of the day, the music is what matters most. We are always happy to listen.

Contact us at: [email protected].

Featured Event:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Julie Schuchard
Co-Founder / PR / Booking

Don Joslin
Co-Founder / Distribution / A&R

Nate Munger
A&R / coffee bitch..................
Tricycle Records
259 Clinton Park Suite 1
San Francisco, CA 94103


Our friends in the music community SOMA FM, West Coast Performer, The Bay Bridged, Three Ring Records, Live 105, Future Sounds and Larry Little, Coke Machine Glow, Film School, Bottom of the Hill, The Owl Mag, and the fans that support independent music.

Bands We Represent

The Blacks

"Perhaps the real genius of the Blacks’ debut record is that it conveys subtle and sophisticated narratives in musical language that is utterly primal; this record is lusty, powerful, driven, and, at times, violent."-Coke Machine Glow



The Union Trade

"Like space cowboys, The Union Trade mix the melancholy melodies of alt-country with the psychedelic sound-wash of shoegaze, for a blend that moves seamlessly through genres and should please fans of everyone from Mogwai to the Jayhawks." -The Deli SF :
- website
- myspace


The Frail

"The perfect fix for anyone waiting for the next Postal Service record.The Count On This EP, is full of big electronic beats mixed with indie rock sensibilities, tipping their caps to Hot Chip at times, then to Death Cab for Cutie at others." -Future Sounds:

- myspace


"The Aimless Never Miss create a giddy atmosphere with soaring vocals, densely layered guitars, bass, and keyboards. It’s the sort of music that makes it impossible to sulk as your muscles twitch involuntarily into something resembling dancing." - Flavorpill

- myspace


Aim Low Kid

"The songs are desolate, elegiac, and sound as if pulled from a deep well, especially the country-flecked ìGonna Die,î which has a surprisingly warm syrup of bassline and more of that insolent, scratchy fiddle. How can this be pop music? Weíre not completely sure."
- SF Weekly



If Nobody Knew

"Rock music that grooves like the late 80’s and haunts like Hitchcock" -Facing New York

- website
- myspace

Sounds Like: Join our Mailing List
stay informed about our bands, shows, sales and events. Dont worry we would never share you email with anyone.

Record Label: of the small indie variety
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Frail on Pacific Noise

Check out The Frail interview here and check them out LIVE tonight at The Independent with The Teenagers and one of our local favorites Love Like Fire ...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:32:00 PST

TRICYCLE NEWS for April!!!!

After a long rest after SXSW we are gearing up for rock filled summer. With the addition of two new bands and new releases in the works plan on seeing Tricycle Records a lot in the next few months. Ap...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:27:00 PST

The Blacks SOMA FM Podcast

go listen to The Blacks interview with Rusty Hodge of SOMA FM
Posted by Tricycle Records on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:03:00 PST

Get ready Austin!

Its less than a week until The Bay Area Takeover happens! For those that can't be in Austin we have a special treat for you. You can stream our event LIVE on the internet! Two Gallants/ Scissors for L...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:27:00 PST

Tricycle and The Bay Area Takeover at SXSW

Thanks for RSVPing for The Bay Area Takeover at SXSW!  We're really excited about the party and can't wait to see you there.  This e-mail contains some important announcements about the pa...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:33:00 PST

Tricycle calendar of events

Tricycle Events CalendarFeb. 6thThe Union Trade/Aim Low Kid/ Audiophase at Rickshaw Stopa benefit for metroactive- supporting drama for students of Metropolitan Arts and Tech High School $10 donation ...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:00:00 PST

Tricycle Records Presents!

there are so many great bands out there, we decided to start presenting shows!!! ...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:47:00 PST

Tricycle Showcase!!!

Happy New Year to all our supporters and many thanks to those that made it out for our holiday party with The Blacks. A reminder we are hosting a Tricycle Records showcase on Thursday, Jan. 10th at Bo...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 08:21:00 PST

photos from the Tricycle Holiday party!

Thanks to everyone that made it out.   Holiday Party photos!!For those that couldn't make it.. shame on you!! But, you can make it up to us by attending the Tricycle showcase at BOTH on Jan. 10th...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST

Aim Low Kid invited to play Noise Pop 2008

After finishing in the top ten at, Aim Low Kid has been selected for a performance slot at Noise Pop 2008! Thank you to all who supported them along the way! If you have not checked out O...
Posted by Tricycle Records on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:05:00 PST