**LOVE FAST CARS** - have a 2006 Z4 Beemer, a 1997 Z3 Beemer and a 1976 Corvette (actually my husband's but I drive it too). I commute 80 miles each day to work up a long winding canyon - WOO HOO! is it fun to cruise the Beemer up that canyon - if only the other cars would get out of my way! *****COMPUTERS***** - Yep! That's where the "Girl Geek" comes in. I was a girl geek long before most of you even knew what a geek was. I love anything to do with computers. Worked in the software industry for umpteen years - if there is a way to do anything on the computer instead of the "old" way, I do it by computer.I AM A GIRL GEEK AND PROUD OF IT!****Creative Arts**** - I am currently working as a combination Interior Designer / Operations Director so that combines my love for computers and my love of being creative as well. I know it's a strange combination but that's me, strange.
new friends and reconnect with old friends. " ....
At the center of my heart is my love for playing music. I play guitar (6 and 12 string-acoustic and electric-and bass) keyboards, and sing. Played/sang in bands for 18+ years. There is never a time of day or night that music is not playing in my mind. I also play violin but I really suck at it - but I have fun and I am getting better (although the dogs still howl when I play violin-LOL)
I am a sucker for movies with strong female characters and happy endings. My all-time favorite is SHIRLEY VALENTINE - what a great movie!
LOVE: LAInk (yes, I do have tattoos-pix coming soon!), Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, and any program that is about Hauntings/Ghosts. HATE: Goofy sit-coms, CSI:Miami(talk about fantasy!), Soap Operas, animated shows.
Any really obscure book that no one has ever heard about - rarely like the bestsellers that everyone raves about. My Geek-i-ness shows in my all time favorite series; Dragonriders of Pern.
MY DAUGHTER, SHEENA; my mom, Glenna; Lauren Bacall, Bonnie Raitt, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sandra Day O'Connor