B-rad † profile picture

B-rad †

One minute with God provides more happiness than does a lifetime of serving the Devil...

About Me

Welcome to my MySpace page. Feel free to listen to tunes and to look around but be forewarned, on this page I worship God and I love Jesus. Now I know that there are a few of you out there who are offended by my beliefs and I'm real sorry to hear that, but if you think I'm gonna deny my Father in Heaven just so you wont be 'offended'...you can Bite Me!
With that being said...c'mon in and welcome stranger! Grab yourself a cup of coffee and make yourself at home!
God Bless...~Brad

WELCOME TO MAIL CALL!!! The Gunny takes a little break from the action and visits the Knob Creek gun range in Kentucky to get in a little 'rest and relaxation'! How my heart yearns to be in Kentucky!

Mail Call at Knob Creek Gun Range,Westpoint KY.

"There is no normal life...there's just life. ...Now get on with it"

I'm married with 3 daughters, one has left the nest and the other two almost there. I have many loves in my life starting with Christ Jesus! Nobody is more important to me than he is...not my wife, my children or even my own life! The second love of my life is my wife and kids, then comes HEAVY METAL MUSIC!!!! and GUNS. I love firearms!. I like to camp,hunt,hike,boat,fish,shoot, and pretty much anything to do with the outdoors. My favorite times of the day are when the sun comes up over the mountains (it's like looking at a slice o' Heaven) and when the sun sets back behind the hills. Aint nothing more peaceful than watching the sun go down and listening to the crickets, it's so relaxing. I live here in Oregon so I have the best of both worlds. I can drive about 70 miles to the east and I'm in the mountains, or about 70 miles to the west I'm at the ocean. Well that's pretty much me in a nutshell, can't think of much anything else so...............God Bless and Rock On!
We shall go on to the end,
We shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;... We shall never surrender! -Winston Churchill June 04, 1940


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Jesus when I die...a son in law I can approve of...an anti-Rosie O'Donnell club member...all the band members of METALLICA! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!...Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson...Samuel Colt...R. Lee Ermey...John Wayne(the Duke!)...Charles Darwin so I can ask him, "What the hell we're you thinking!"...I'd go back in time 15 years to meet myself and pull my head out of my ass a lot sooner...Rosie O'Donnell so I can argue gun rights with her...The inventor of Habanero Doritos...my future grandchildren...but most of all, Jesus when I die.




I don't watch very much t.v. but I gotta admit this show has quickly become one of my favorites. The Discovery Channels Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls, features scores of survival tips in every show and a wide variety of survival conditions. This guy is awesome! Give it a try sometime...ya never know, your life may depend on it.
Click Photo for Discovery Channels Man vs. Wild fansite!
Here's another survivalist on the Discovery channel. Les Stroud sets out on his own, just him and his camera in order to teach people how to survive out in the wilderness! This is some good television people! He may not eat as much raw fish as Bear Grylls but this is a real informative show...check him out on the Discovery Channel!
Be careful watch you watch...aside from a few good nature or survival shows, and good 'clean' comedy most television is full of mind-numbing demoralizing and desensitizing crap! So guard your mind, you may be suprised how much of this garbage filters into your minds and the minds of your children!


→The Bible by God

→Life in the Mountains by McGraw Hill

→Shooters Bible by Stoeger

→The Ultimate Sniper by Maj.John L. Plaster USAR(ret.)

→U.S. Armed Forces Survival Manual by Times Books

→U.S. Army Special Forces Medical Handbook by Paladin Press

→Point Man:How a man can lead his family(to God) by Steve Farrar

→Sniper by Mark Spicer

→Lone Patriot by Jane Kramer

→The Complete Tracker by Len Mcdougall

→Far Beyond Defensive Tactics by Loren Christensen

→Tactical Pistol Shooting by Erik Lawrence

→Effective Handgun Defense by Frank W. James

→The Art of War by Sun Tzu


→'God' for giving me life...

→'Jesus' for teaching me how to love my brothers and sisters...

→'John Wayne' for his stick to your guns attitude...

→'Gunnery SGT. R. Lee Ermey' for his caring disposition...

→and Yosemite Sam because he never runs out of ammo! ;)

My Blog

My daughters writing class assignment(I'm proud of her!)

Kelly ******* 3/15/07 Writing Class Does God Really Exist? 1.  Introduction: Is there Proof that God really exists?  Look around.  When most people look at the world around them, ...
Posted by B-rad † on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:11:00 PST

Patience and Faith

PATIENCE AND FAITH I want to tell everyone about the power of patience, faith and the unlimited power of God! First off, I'm not always a "good" person just because I'm a Christian, but I try to be ...
Posted by B-rad † on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 09:58:00 PST

Animal I have become.I took 3 different tests and all of them said I was a wolf.Works for me :)

You are a :Wolf Genera and species: Canis lupus Collective Term: A pack of wolves Description The rugged wolf is athletic, good-looking and brims with self-confidence. A close relative of the domesti...
Posted by B-rad † on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 06:54:00 PST