About Us***As a member of the largest and most popular photography/modeling communities on-line Cookeville Model Agency, a division of Dailey Portrait Photography, operating out of Cookeville, Tennessee gives you instant access/exposure to the world of modeling, photography, fashion designers, MUA's (make-up artists), hair stylists and of course, beautiful people. As a current or aspiring model you want to get EXPOSURE...and get DISCOVERED!!! Cookeville Model Agency was started in the Middle Tennessee area to give those who are interested a CHANCE!!! First, a Cookeville Model Agency or Dailey Portrait Photography photographer will do test shots of you to produce the BEST POSSIBLE PORTFOLIO. Then, your portfolio will be posted on our various photography/modeling sites to include some of your own personal sites. Some of the sites will be linked directly to Cookeville Model Agency where you will start receiving emails from other photographers, advertising people, etc. Some of these emails will be for TFP/CD (your time and talent for a copy of prints or CD's). Others will be for paid assignments. Many of the shoots allow photographers and models just to simply stay proficient in their craft. Both get great shots for their portfolios. Currently, Cookeville Model Agency is offering TFP/CD's (time for prints and /or CD's) and FREE ADMISSION to the Agency to exceptional models (men and women) who we think can benefit our portfolios as well as yours. We are always seeking that "SPECIAL LOOK or IDEA" that someone might have for a shoot.***NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ESCORT SERVICE!!!***
ABSOLUTELY NO PORNOGRAPHIC STUFF!!!***Models under 18 must have signed permission from parent and/or guardian.***
Go to: onemodelplace.com Member 179803 or
Email: [email protected] to
discuss your photo shoot/admission. PLEASE CLICK ON THE BOX BELOW TO GO TO OUR SITE!!!
More cool stuff at YourCoolProfile.com!