Luna-C profile picture


Kniteforce or chips?

About Me

Music, Skating, Reading...thats about it.

My Interests

Self betterment. And 13.6%

I'd like to meet:





Fight Club, Gandhi, Napoleon Dynamite, Ringu, Dances With Wolves, Cube. Am I meant to list every movie ever?


The drug of the nation. Seriously, get rid of your TV. Its making you stupid.


The Wheel Of Time, Anything by Stephen King. Not the novel called Anything, because there isn't a novel called Anything by Stephen King. What I meant was, you know, any book by him. Actually, now that I think of it, there might be a novella by Stephen King called "Anything". Is a novella a book? I mean, technically it is...let me check....Also I like Neitzsche, Kant and various other pretentious philosophy books. Ishmael of course. The Holy Bible. Is boring. But I read it anyway. Ummm....Stephen Donaldson is pretty good - especially the Gap series. And no, I dont like Terry Pratchet. Sorry. Also, the first 3 Dune books. Clive Barkers "Thief Of Always" is good, although most of his stuff is a bit emotionless for me. Douglas Adams HHGTTG rules, obviously. Basically, reading is the best thing ever. S'ept Skating and Music. And eating. And shagging. Okay, its not the best thing ever, but its right up there with Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Only better for you.



My Blog

KF website front page! Lazyness rules. Bad spelling, and laziness rule.

CHRISTMAS DOWNLOAD DETAILSUPDATE!Hello everyone. Just a quick front page update with a lot to first things first. I got a great many emails about the Christmas download. The reason this was d...
Posted by Luna-C on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST

Another little blog

I am getting complaints from people who I dont make friends with, so I thought I better explain...Myspace is becoming like a magazine full of adverts - everyone is advertising at each other, but no on...
Posted by Luna-C on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 07:48:00 PST

Luna-C in the Galaxy FM tonight...

Hi everyone, Just a quick one to let you know that me old pal Brisk asked me to supply a set for him on his radio show - Galaxy!You can catch the show between 1am-2am GMT at or...
Posted by Luna-C on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:23:00 PST

Finally, an update....

Hello Everyone,Okay, here's the first of my "regular" updates. my plan is to tell you what's going on with the label, djing etc and also talk about anything else that interests me lol...So today, we w...
Posted by Luna-C on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:09:00 PST

Radio shows and a runny nose.

Okay, I have been meaning to post about this for ages. I am now doing a weekly radio show on Eruptions internet radio, 8pm-9pm UK time on Monday nights. I have done 3 weeks shows so far, and I would r...
Posted by Luna-C on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:27:00 PST

Just to make things clear about whats next....

I have decided what I am going to to avoid any confusion about whats going on:- I was going to stop at KFA32 as vinyl sales are poop. Then I asked people on my forum if they thought I sho...
Posted by Luna-C on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 06:37:00 PST

To follow on....

The funny thing about saying you might have to stop is that you end up working harder to make it go on, lol...So I have thought about it and am going to try a few things out. The first thing I would l...
Posted by Luna-C on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 04:49:00 PST

Times they are a'changing!

Firstly, I am in the USA for 2 weekends April 20th - May 2nd. I know some of you who promote parties are on my space, so contact me if you would like to book me on these dates. As I am in the USA anyw...
Posted by Luna-C on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 08:24:00 PST

Questions of value. Questions of integrity.

Ignore the headline, just didnt know what to write. Today i am sick. I am so rarely sick that when i am I dont know what to do with I just get on with things. Which is why you find me doin...
Posted by Luna-C on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 11:20:00 PST

Damn Myspace demanding a subject line

Hello Everyone. Its been a while since my last blog...I just dont like Myspace very much - I always spend ages dicking about trying to write a blog and it telling me I dont subscribe to any blogs and ...
Posted by Luna-C on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:40:00 PST