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Kristin Ullmann

The Official Kristin Ullmann MySpace

About Me

Most very successful people are driven. They all wanted what they got; they didn't get it by accident. A lot of them will admit that luck played a part, but they were all driven. They all had a sense of purpose, a sense of what they are. They are a little off. They don't act they same way other people act. They have wisdom. You know the kind of thing that the layman doesn't have. Those are the people who really made it, whether they are presidents or kings or movie stars or athletes...WWW.KRISTINULLMANN.COM

My Interests

MySpace Layouts


Last September, E! Entertainment interviewed me on one of my shows. They were with me the entire day and night to film my shoot. We were featured in a Special named "12 Sexiest Jobs in Hollywood". The shoot was held on August 4th in Los Angeles, CA and aired on September 15th.


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