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i am the busy-signal at the suicide hot-line

About Me

.. umm...just moved to here from the US to get away from all the craziness...mtv kids playing barbie and ken on eternal spring break on exctasy...boy was i wrong...give me convinience or give me death... umm...just moved to here from the US to get away from all the craziness...mtv kids playing barbie and ken on eternal spring break on exctasy...boy was i wrong...give me convinience or give me death... Skakam sa most gledajuci u zmrznutu vodu dok padam…ocekivajuci “splat” telo mi pada u udobno sedisce neki Boinga 747 il 787 ne mogu da provalim.visoka plava Skandinaviska stuerdesa mi pita sta zelim za pice…narucim duplu izbeljivaca ‘strejt’, bez leda…nosi mi casu stp me podsecuje na oblik debelo zensko telo sto sam sto hiljada puta video u crteze I slike renasanc ere sa mali kisobran-cic I tropicko voce seceno u trauge…crvenkasti tecnost se klati kako avion leti kroz merkurice visoko u atmosferi…debeli Hindus pored mene me pita nesta na nepoznati jezik, dok mi pokazuje neke hiroglife iz stare juzne americke Majan Kodeke…muke mi od njega I negovi poznatu pricu sto slusam u nepoznati jezik…probam da se oslobodim njega I ove ostale putnike…(baba sa ogroman crveni sesir sto ne skida cak I dok spava u svojim sediste, pokrijena sa tankih plavi cebence sto ti daju na medjonarodne podsvestne interkozmik “thread flights” ) ovarajuci prozor pored mene sto se nesta zaglavio…sta sad prozor nece..?pogledam slucajno kroz njega da vidim primativnu katolicku verzio (version 2.0) boga na oblaku kako je obrnuo ledja na njih I place…dole neke crni oblake pun dim od rata, otrovna kisa pada sa miris kiselinu u meso sto korozira, na jadnici I ostatak razne narod I sta je u jedno vreme sigurno licilo na nesto sto je ispopunjavao funksiju Vojske… “pazi to”, mislim, njihov kretenski bog zajista egzistira…a samo kao debeli nocni cuvar ovaj cosak kosmosu sa tako zvani “zivot”, jedan od niz takvih coskove, ko se cimao ceo bez vremenski noc da se javi gazdama ko su odavno zaboravili I za njega I za ovaj cosak zivota da nesta nije nije u redu sa eksperimentom…cimao da se javi nekome ko “je neko” pa brinuo, pa besneo misljajuci da uzme stvari u svojim rukama pa konacno obrnuo ledja I poceo da place kad su sve njegove ideje, planove, strukture za spasavanje, pale u vodi, zaludni, neuspesni, I apsolutno neprimeceni od onih dole za kome su bili smisleni…cudi me kada se gazde konacno pitaju za porez I posalju iztrazivacku ekspediciju, sta ce tu naci..? gazim preko debelog Hindusa I babu sto spava sa ogroman crveni sesir (provralio sam kroz neke spike stuardese da je baba Engleskinja, sad mi sve jasno) obarujuci glupih tropiski koktejl, ideci ka W.C, secam se “random anecdotes and folk-sayings), iamesani pomiksovani parcice narodne mudrosti…taj ko se opekao na mleko, pirka na jogurtu…onaj ko pije rakiju za veceru, pije vodu za dorucak,…onaj ko zaspi sa svrbljivu guzu, probudi se sa smrdljive prste…hrabar je covek sto sme da prdi kad ima proliv, I tako dalje I tako dalje…Engleskinja, hmm sve mi je jasno…ruka mi ide ka kvaka od vrata do moj izlaz from these “tubular” putnike (W.C.) I dobro obucen bankar sa kozu kao testo se dize ispred mene…gurnem ga dole, pada labavo pretvracaju ci se u malo gomilicu noodles mokar spagete u Armani-ov sakaoh…skacam u W.C solju istovremeski stisnem dugmence za pustanje vodu…pretvaram se u tecnosti molukjule hidrogen I kiseonika mesajuci sa amonium kiselinu mokracu debele Hiduse………..

My Interests


hardcore crust, punk (but since i've come here even some trip hop, trance and serbian rap!),.... block-out, bjesovi, crass, conflict, laibach, ministry, skinny puppy, razor burn, despair, ringworm, all out chaos, disfear, minor threat, 7 seconds, screaching weasel, the queers, operation ivy, the descendants, all, avenged sevenfold, thrice, falling sickness, dillenger four, heckle, the nobodys, funeral oration, digger, integrity, no innocent victim, hoods, rykers, haymaker, the pissed, aus rotten, capatalist casualties, the casualties, rain on yor parade, good riddance, against all authority, dead kennedys, full speed ahead, send more paramedics, left over crack, dillenger escape plan, severed head of state, spazm 151, resist, blatz, last hope, hitman, trula koalicija, vox populi, (starije)vrisak generacije, shock proof, fifteen, 88 fingers louie, blood for blood, direktori, six pack, saht, hatebreed, and all the OLD earahe label stuff (89-94, i.e carcass, bolt-thrower, morbid angel, entombed, napalm death terrorizer,...despotic necrotism, carcass grinder, angel corpse, the haunted, charles bronson, fuck on the beach, god stomper, emperor, dismember, agathocles, minch, snauzer, concrete socks, sore throat, future full of fucking funerals, stretch armstrong, plastic army guys, fearless iranians from hell, hocu-necu, theivery corporation, massive attack, 50,000 watts of power, chemical crew, sofa surfers, pink floyd, bob marley, dub syndicate....just to name a few...ma bre malo je to i glupo pitanje, slusam sta mi se dopada at any moment...currently i'm terrorizing my neighbors with the experimental madness of THE LOCUST...


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My Blog

on gods and masters (amebix rules, in god we crust)!!!

Once, flipping through a book on child psychology, I came across a chapter about adolescent rebellion. It suggested that in the first phase of a child's youthful rebellion against her parents, she may...
Posted by vlada on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 06:34:00 PST

There is a Secret World Concealed Within this One.

The lives we lead, and the lives we wish we led.This world, the so-called "real world," is just a front. Pull back the curtain and you'll see the libraries are all filled with runaways writing novels,...
Posted by vlada on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:23:00 PST

revolution in everyday life

Reconsidering Television.Everyone knows how insipid and inane most television programs are. It's clear to anyone who spends an hour in front of prime time that the sitcoms, news, and commercials alike...
Posted by vlada on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:43:00 PST

shut up and buy

they keep your attention on things that dont matterthe right things to eat so you dont grow any fatterthe right things to wear the right things to say the friends that you you have depends on how much...
Posted by vlada on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:44:00 PST

crazy fun political noise from the guys in charge

Posted by vlada on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:01:00 PST

my pit bull ate the last of the food while we werent looking...

as i get older i notice it takes my body much longer to heal...my jaw is still clicking from a swing i took from over 15 days ago...it doesnt hurt much at all, just an annoying clicking noise inside m...
Posted by vlada on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 08:22:00 PST

uzivo dan 76

super je sto su ljudi oko mene toliko pametni, neznam sta bi ja radio sam bez nji... nekolko ljudi sto su culi da imam sad internet (a tih 'prticular' ljudi ocigledno su gledali jedno previse filmova ...
Posted by vlada on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:02:00 PST

........art imitating life imitating...

Danas sam bio kod ortaka u gradu I imao priliku da gledam malo ..veliki brat....(imam tv kucu ali ga samo palim da bi gledao South Park)..neznam, meni se mozda cini, ali mislim da takav show je malo ....
Posted by vlada on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:22:00 PST

zasto se nalazim ovde?

Someone (again) asked me recently ..why the hell would anyone want to move here..?!? as you can imagine people often ask me this..and depending on who..s doing the asking my answer is always the same ...
Posted by vlada on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:57:00 PST

............................................................ ......................inat

if there is one thing i would think people here have gotten used to, or learned how to do, that is to stand in line..you would think we've all gotten used to it by now...but everytime i'm waiting for ...
Posted by vlada on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 05:29:00 PST