y'know, stuff. Random, wonky stuff. Mostly boring stuff. But the sweet thing is, I don't care.
Which Elvgren Pin-Up Girl Are You
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You're a little quirky, a little different, and you're confident that anyone who has a problem with that will probably be flipping hamburgers while you're running your own multi-national conglomeration.
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eww. kinda busy, right now. can I get back to you on that, too?
Blasters, X, Big Sandy, Dalhart Imperials, Open Road, Ashley MacIsaac, Skavoovie, Skankin Pickle, Adam Ant, Bow Wow Wow, Clash, Ramones, Beloved Invaders, Knitters, Original Sinners, Deke, Yello, Agent Orange, Blanc Mange, Blue Ribbon Boys, Monkees, Natalie MacMaster, Halden Wofford & the Hi-Beams, Orangu-tones, Neko Case, Richard Thompson, Pogues, Proclaimers, Fishbone, Poi Dog Pondering, Toasters, Specials, Madness, ah hell, the list goes on and on....
Repo Man, Surf II, Better Off Dead, Happy Texas, Drowning Mona, Tape Heads, Yellow Beard, and other warp crap along those lines....
Our television is mostly used for our Netflix subscription. As a result, we watch way too much Buffy and Angel eps. However, we'll shut those off for Sunday night on Fox (King of the Hill, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle and Arrested Development). Also, cartoons on weekend mornings AND Rick Steve's Travels in Europe.