affectionate guys, anime, anti-war, arcana, art, astrology, astronomy, beaches, ben folds, blood the last vampire, boy meets boy, boys kissing, buttons with witty sayings, cats, charmed, cheesecake, chicago, chocolate, classical music, computers, constellations, contradictions, cotton candy, cowboy bebop, dancing, danny elfman, decorating, demons, djing, dogs, donnie darko, dr.suess, dragons, drawing, dvds, earth, edward gorey, electronica, england, english, fantasy books, fantasy movies, fashion, fencing, fengshui, final fantasy, fog, french, friends, gamecube, gay rights, graphic arts, guys, harry potter, hebrew, homestar runner, homosexuality, horseback riding, horses, hot boys, hot hot heat, hot topic, hugs, ice cream, incubus, intellectuals, interior design, internet, japanese, jungle, kisses, kissing, languages, legolas, liberals, lightsabers, llamas, love, magic(k), making out, margaret cho, media arts, monty python, the moon, movies, music, mysteries, mythology, nature, new york city, observing people, orchestra, outlaw star, owls, palindromes, peace, people, philosophy, photography, pit orchestras, poetry, politics, pretty boys snogging, psychology, rainy days, reading, revolutions, rhyming, rock, role-playing games, romance, running in circles, rurouni kenshin, sarcasm, scaring little kids, science fiction, shopping, sky, sleeping, smiles, snogging, snow, spanish, stars, sugar, swimming, talking, techno, tenchi, the nightmare before christmas, theatre, things that go boom, trading spaces, vampires, violin, water, werewolves, winter, wolves, zodiac
Everyone and anyone! I'm just so darn loving! ♥ (especially if you happen to be a cute boy) Really I'm an accepting guy just comment or send me a message and I'll have no problem talking to you... unless of course all you want from me is sex... I'm not in it for hook ups... So don't send me a message saying "omFg! Ur sO fuKinG Hawt! Lets git TogethA n ill pley wit ur dIck kkg2gttyllylab! ;-) " I won't respond to that you'll just get deleted... Unless of course it's a joke and I know you and then it's funny... I swear... ^_~
I'm really not looking for a boyfriend right now... But I'm not a one night stand guy either... I dunno' I just like to meet cool people...
Well... I listen to everything (although rap is rare)
I like...
Princess Mononoke, Donnie Darko, Underworld, Spirited Away, Cowboy BeBop, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Chicago, Blood: The Last Vampire, Kiki's Delivery Service, The Wedding Date, Garden State... I'm sure there are more...
meh, I don't watch as much anymore... but it's usually anime when I do. (sad ain't it?) Oh! I do like to watch Will & Grace, Scrubs, and Friends when it's on...
Anne Rice, Christopher Rice, JK Rowling, Phillip Pullman, Steinbeck (on occasion), Shakespeare, Huxley...