God, Apostolic Pentecostal Church, my kids, Fishing, music, writing, technology, quantum physics,more fishing, the beach, camping, writing, flowers, music, oriental medicine, exercise and reading and then fishing and then I will write about it.
Frederick Douglas when he was alive. An Astronaut. People who have experienced a miracle. All children! Smart people. Self taught artist of any kind! Everyone's grandmother and I would like to meet Jesus one day!
Eva cassidy, Grateful Dead, Styx, Jennifer Knapp, Vivaldi,Bon Jovi, Loreena McKennit, Original Lyrics written about experiences by people I know and experiences I have shared, music that is inspired by the Holy Ghost!
Good Will Hunting, Serendipity, What the Bleep
Documenataries on the current state of the World and predicted future. Some Historical documentaries.
The Bible, Possesing the Secret of Joy. Chronicles of Narnia
People who struggle every day with trial and tribulations and over come them with their Faith and perservence. Survivors are my modern day heroes, They recieve the Crown of Life in my Book!