Working out, dance, poetry, family, my 2 cats, karaoke, motorcycle and sports car rides, travel, good food, health spas, laughing, having fun, and hanging out with positive people.
People who are genuinely nice with a good sense of humor, confident and know what they want, and can hold a conversation. Fun and interesting people that you can learn something from and relate to...lots of celebrities also. BODY{background-color:888888;backgroun
Enjoy listening to all kinds of music except for metal and opera.
A wide variety but not much into horror flicks. I like comedies and action movies the best.
Desperate Housewives, Heroes, American Idol, Last Comic Standing, Smallville, Chuck, Supernatural, Dirt, Nip Tuck, Bionic Woman, Pushing Daisies, Las Vegas, Dancing With The Stars, Dirty Sexy Money, Sopranos, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Charmed, Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, King of Queens, etc.
I love to read them but never seem to have the time so I usually end up reading more magazines.
My parents, husband, grandmothers, other family members, and some people I know.
Shall we dance?
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