We are a professional Paranormal group located in Maryland and are not afraid to travel when it comes to an investigation....We are very serious about the unknown, we consist of Sensitives, Researchers, and Skeptics.... If you are in need of any services don't hesitate to contact us. We were recently on DC101, and Eliot has agreed to come along with us on an investigation. Chesapeake Life Magazine also interviewed us and the story will be in their September/October issue. For more info on our group visit www.easternparanormalresearch.com. Don't forget to sign the guest book.Feel free to view the pictures we post, although many of the ones that feature something paranormal are not posted. This is to prevent others from downloading and copying them. We also do not post pictures from private investigations unless we have the permission of the owner. We hope to add links to some of our EVPs in the near future.In addition to our investigations, we have events where team members can bring their children and/or spouses. We travel to various battlefields and such where an overnight investigation is not possible. We still take pictures and run recorders at times, but since we cannot control the number of people at any particular spot, we use it more as a chance for everyone to get together and enjoy each other's company outside of our investigations.