Taliesin profile picture


The last dragoon

About Me

Final Fantasy XI - Dragoon fun

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What kind of furry are you?

You are a Cat! Remember, you're not just a cat, you're one of the sleekest and coolest families out there. You can be the graceful housecat, or you can be a powerful tiger, but deep down inside, you're all feline.
Take this quiz !

My Interests

Musica in generale - so suonare la chitarra, ho fatto da cantante in un gruppo rock e sto imparando il violino (elettrico), occultismo, la cultura celtica, il disegno a mano libera e grafico, la poesia, sognare ad occhi aperti, giocare di ruolo, in qualsiasi modo possibile (grande amante di Final Fantasy, in particolare del n° VII), il furry - cercatemi sulla VCL e sulla FA... ------------------------------- [Music in general - I can play the guitar, I've been the lead voice into a rock band and I'm learning how to play the fiddle (elettric fiddle), occultism, celtic culture, freehand drawing and graphics, poetry, daydreaming, roleplaying, in all of its forms (great fan of the Final Fantasy series, no. VII in particular, furry - look for me on the VCL and on the FA...]

I'd like to meet:

Noone in particular.


Hard/alternative/punk/progressive rock, hardcore, symphonic/heavy metal, ska, celtic and... punk billy ska core.Adoro il suono degli archi e del clarinetto. ------------------------------- [I love how arch instruments and clarinet sound.]


Il sesto senso [The sixth sense]


I Griffin [Family guy]


Fleurs du mal (Charles Baudelaire)


Freija - Final Fantasy IX

My Blog

Apocalisse [italian only]

    [Scritta in un piccolo momento di crisi con il mio amore...]Tutto il mio universoCircuito interminabile di ossa e sensazioniSta inesorabilmente crollando:Persino quelle struttureQue...
Posted by Taliesin on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:37:00 PST