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About Me

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'3
Weight: 110
Piercings: 2 in each ear and a bellybutton ring
Tatoos: Nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I
Overused Phraze: LOL
Food: This is hard 2 choose..... but i love JAPANESE
food!! Candy: M&Ms, Tootsie Rolls, Sweet Tarts, Starbursts
Number: 3
Color: Pink & Turquoise
Animal: Puppies & Kitty Cats
Drink: Sprite, Orange Fanta, & a Japanese Drink called POCARI!!!
Alcohol Drink: Don't have a fav.....
Bagel: Plain
Letter: C. Y. F.
Body Part on Opposite sex: The WHOLE body....duh
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Neither....i don't drink dark colas!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds.....I'm lovin'
it! Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: SWEET ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate & Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate.....especially from STARBUCKS!!!
Kiss or Hug: XOXO
Dog or Cat: Dogs & Cats
Rap or Punk: RAP all the way!! i like a lil' punk though!
Summer or Winter: SUMMER.....but winter is not that BAD! Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary & Funny Movies Love or Money: This is hard to pick but i'm gonna go with LOVE for now.....
Bedtime: Anytime, but it's usually really LATE!
Most Missed Memory: Japan, highschool years (sometimes), when my bf KE and I use to hangout all of the time!
Best phyiscal feature: Don't know.
First Thought Waking Up: Fuck this shit, i hate
Goal for this year: Get everything ready to graduate college..... : Be a better person & find the LOVE of my life! lol Weakness: HOT GUYS, yummy food
Fears: Death, spiders, snakes, cancer, and bugs.
Heritage: 1/2 Japanese & American.......i wish i was hispanic! haha!
Longest relationship: 4 years or sooooooo.
Ever Drank: Just a lil'
Ever Smoked: NO WAY!
Ever been Drunk: haha no!
Ever been beaten up: Not yet!
Ever beaten someone up: Nope...i'm toooooo small!
Ever Shoplifted: No
Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Ever Kissed someone of same sex: Haha ?....NO
Been Dumped Lately: Of course not!
IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite Eye Color: Green, Blue, Hazel, Brown....
Favorite Hair Color: Darker Hair i guess.....
Short or Long: SHORT
Height: Taller than 6 foot! I love TALL GUYS!
Looks or Personality: Looks & Personality of course...
Hot or Cute HOT & a lil' baby CUTE!
Drugs and Alcohol: Neither
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular....but not too muscular!
Number of Regrets in the Past: Way 2 freakin' many!
SERIOUSLY! Where's a time machine???
What country do you want to Visit: Japan again.....i
know this isn't a country but I wanna go to MIAMI SOOOOOOO BAD!
How do you want to Die: In my sleep!
v Get along with your Parents: Sometimes Health Freak: Kinda Do you think your Attractive: Sometimes Believe in Yourself: Usually Want to go to College: I'm in college @ the University of Tennessee! GO VOLS! Do you Smoke: NO FREAKIN' WAY EWWWW! Do you Drink: Just a lil' bit! Shower Daily: Usually! Been in Love: I don't know.....
Do you Sing: ALL OF THE TIME! Want to get Married: Of course!!! Do you want Children: YEP! Have your future kids names planned out: I USE 2! Age you wanna lose your Virginity: When I'm like 25 or older.....haha! Hate anyone: Just a few!
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