D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed profile picture

D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed

ALWAYS listen to the song ....

About Me

SO.... even tho
just remember
Oh!..... and
You only get one life and I already wasted ALOT of mine, so I dont have time for petty drama and bullshit. I really am one of the most childish and fun loving people you will ever meet, but I have no tolerance for assholes. I am just a big kid deep down and I refuse to grow up. I love to mock all the people who are either to miserable or too old to have fun. I love doing things like going to the bakery to get a free cookie when I go to the grocery store, wearing the spongebob watch BB bought me at the dollar store for 2 months even after it stopped telling time the 3rd day cause i didnt know it wasnt water proof =)) And thats also kinda why I have so much spongebob stuff. You know what? I hope that you DO laugh at me know why? cause deep down... Im laughing at YOU. I love my life and I love where its going...... I would be everybody's bestfriend if I could, but the world doesnt work like that, everybody ALWAYS seems to have a hidden agenda. So I have an unspoken agreement with everyone, you dont fuck with me I dont fuck with you So way I look at it either you can come along an have a good time with me or you can stay out my way just like I will yours.... an if you do get in my way Im gonna take you out. Either ways fine by me. God only put me here to do one thing an that was to have fun... so Im gonna do me an you do you an if it works out then thats awesome...if it doesnt... then too bad fuck you I tried to be nice. Something that I think makes me stand out is I love learning the things that people want to learn but never get around to. Example,Breakdancing, someone starts doing it an their good at it youll sit there an watch them, Sports, sheeit could be anything, languages, for example was one thing that interested me someone will hear somebody else speak in a foreign language and will say to themself 'I wish I could understand' But they dont ever take the initiative to try, and most that do, give up because its not EASY. I try to make it a point to always be willing to push harder then the next guy to the point where its almost singleminded sometimes... I just have the biggest urge to be all that I can be.. I even try to take some aspects of my life to the extreme and make them HARDER then they need to be sometimes because it makes me feel like a warrior and like I get more bang for my buck outa life I guess lol. I decided Im gonna be somebody. I know IM not gonna watch my life go by.... but for all you people who are? Least Ill give you something to look at. Its my life.... Why the fuck should I have to settle?
I live my life by these mottos
That which doesnt kill you only makes you stronger
Shoot for the stars at least you'll hit the moon
Practice makes perfect
You never appreciate what you got till its gone
Treat others as you would like to be treated
If its not worth fighting for then whats the point in having it?
And if Im anything Im loyal. Do not fuck with me or my people... If I know you or like you I come across as being carefree and easily ammused, But if I dont..Im reeeaaaal good at being an asshole to those that deserve it
Ill ALWAYS be the wide eyed innocent kid at heart
I am a little evil too.... but in a good way =)))
Im in it to win it now. I am the fuckin sheeeeeit and all you ppl out there who = shit made me forget that and Im gonna hate you forever for it. But whateva I got a fresh approach on life an im fuckin lovin it. Im in the best shape of my life my arms are getting fucking HUGE =) I feel and look good Im young and in my prime..... Im actually happy.... I got the world by the BALLS!
Oh, and Im proud not cocky. Theres a difference
Doesnt matter tho..... either way

My Interests

Im getting my puppy at the end of the month



Mini Golfing, Working out........... learning how to do all these things
.. Im proud to say i now have a FEW of my OWN videos... =))) which i will be putting up shortly

These are my first couple practices on video. Now I know im not the best but ive only been practicing for 3 months ..... but im on a 1 year timeline so you can expect to see progress =))) oh yeah and apparently sometimes it SAYS the video wont play.. but just click the LITTLE play button 3 or 4 times an it will =))

A little floating, gliding and sliding, mostly I attempt some hat tricks

The one below it is some waving, liquid, and a little traceing

I suck now I know but i WILL be betteri wont give up

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Liquid Digitz

CyBeR's Liquid / Digitz Dance Solo

hollow back guide


Marks Elbowspins

Hat Moves, Hat Tricks, Dance Moves, Cap Tricks. ver 3

best break dance ever.........

new frequency

extreme break dancing

New Liquid Video

Daft Punk Technologic Liquid Dance by LPEric

I'd like to meet:


people that truly want to be happy. You know...? People that arent scared to be themselves and have a good time. The type of people that coencide rather than compromise. People that take life by the balls Like the ones that dont just talk about it they do something about it..... the ones that actually try.
Look deeeep down and be honest. How many people do you actually see try?
Sad part is most people just sit round and wait for happiness, half of them wouldnt notice it if it mushroom slapped 'em in the face. An half of THOSE people wouldnt EVEN put in the effort to meet someone halfway. I dont understand how they expect it to just be.... ~given~ to them. Better way of thinkin brings better way of life. Its all in the outlook. Im tellin ya.
The type I dont want to meet
People that only care about themselves and i cant stand those people. But its ok cause the things that they do to other people are going to keep happenin right back at em. Always focusing on negativity and therefore being negative and bringing about....... negative reactions. Dee dee fuckin dee People. Its karma bitches. Law of averages has to catch up to them sometime...And they have noone to blame but themselves cause they keep putting themselves in those situations simply by being themselves..

An adventure

Yours should be too

Life is an adventure and should be lived as such.


Music is my therapy... I dont know what I wold do without it. For starters I like Spineshank, Submersed, Sevendust, Stonesour, Smile empty soul, Chevelle, flyleaf, Evanescence, foo fighters, lacuna coil, Adema, Shinedown, Tantric, Trapt and much, much more.



The Warriors, Silence of the Lambs, Scarface, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Blow, Belly, Saw, Black Christmas, A Nightmare before Christmas,


Comedy Central, MTV, Carlos Mencia, The Old Saturday Night Live, Southpark, Cartoons, Cartoons, Cartoons,


Laurell K. Anderson, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Terry Brooks


Jack Skellington and Spongebob

My Blog

Mean what you say

I fuckin hate fake people. I run into so many people who pretend they are something their not. So many people that will say one thing then do the EXACT opposite. Also many people will say what yo...
Posted by D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:21:00 PST

Say what you mean

I hate how so many people nowadays like to beat around the bush. For instance, someone will have a point they are trying to get across yet they dont actually say it. They just end up skirting the...
Posted by D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:02:00 PST

The dating game

She has sparked an interest in him a flicker yet not a flame... Will she feed the fire? Will she feel the same? Uncertainty and doubt plague him.... whats a guy to do? No use being scar...
Posted by D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:45:00 PST

Hindsights 20-20 bitches

I dont understand why people try, to change the things that happen by. When ALL of this is done and gone.... WOULD your choices seem so wrong....? But just remember after you have left your ...
Posted by D.G.A.F. R.I.P. Bubba you will be missed on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:25:00 PST