Im getting my puppy at the end of the month
Mini Golfing, Working out........... learning how to do all these things
.. Im proud to say i now have a FEW of my OWN videos... =))) which i will be putting up shortly
These are my first couple practices on video. Now I know im not the best but ive only been practicing for 3 months ..... but im on a 1 year timeline so you can expect to see progress =)))
oh yeah and apparently sometimes it SAYS the video wont play.. but just click the LITTLE play button 3 or 4 times an it will =))
A little floating, gliding and sliding, mostly I attempt some hat tricks
The one below it is some waving, liquid, and a little traceing
I suck now I know but i WILL be betteri wont give up
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Liquid Digitz
people that truly want to be happy. You know...? People that arent scared to be themselves and have a good time. The type of people that coencide rather than compromise. People that take life by the balls Like the ones that dont just talk about it they do something about it..... the ones that actually try.
Look deeeep down and be honest. How many people do you actually see try?
Sad part is most people just sit round and wait for happiness, half of them wouldnt notice it if it mushroom slapped 'em in the face. An half of THOSE people wouldnt EVEN put in the effort to meet someone halfway. I dont understand how they expect it to just be.... ~given~ to them. Better way of thinkin brings better way of life. Its all in the outlook. Im tellin ya.
The type I dont want to meet
People that only care about themselves and i cant stand those people. But its ok cause the things that they do to other people are going to keep happenin right back at em. Always focusing on negativity and therefore being negative and bringing about....... negative reactions. Dee dee fuckin dee People. Its karma bitches. Law of averages has to catch up to them sometime...And they have noone to blame but themselves cause they keep putting themselves in those situations simply by being themselves..
An adventure
Yours should be too
Life is an adventure and should be lived as such.
Music is my therapy... I dont know what I wold do without it. For starters I like Spineshank, Submersed, Sevendust, Stonesour, Smile empty soul, Chevelle, flyleaf, Evanescence, foo fighters, lacuna coil, Adema, Shinedown, Tantric, Trapt and much, much more.
The Warriors, Silence of the Lambs, Scarface, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Blow, Belly, Saw, Black Christmas, A Nightmare before Christmas,
Comedy Central, MTV, Carlos Mencia, The Old Saturday Night Live, Southpark, Cartoons, Cartoons, Cartoons,
Laurell K. Anderson, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Terry Brooks
Jack Skellington and Spongebob