International cuisine, barbecue, sweet tea, coleslaw, the occasional salad, beer brats, red wine, Jack Daniels, my friends, taking photos, live Nashville/ Austin music, flaunting backstage passes, back-seat lovin', and downhome cookin'.
My Ideal Self!
A little of everything from Drum'n' bass to Classical. Old Country to metal, and Latin to jazz. I like music, no matter what genre. Ohh yeah except for bad music. I don't like bad music!!
King of Kong, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, The 300, The Fall, Step into Liquid, Riding Giants, Dog Town and Z Boys, American Movie, Baraka, Winged Migration (Amazing Pictures), American Beauty, Platoon, Gladiator, O Brother Where Art Thou, Raising Arizona, Anything Choen, Road to Perdition, Gattica, Meet the Parents, Fight Club, Amalie and then some.
MacGyver (#1 influential TV show ever), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Weeds, Flight of the Conchords, Planet Earth Series, space and science documentaries
Recent Readings Include: A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene The Elegant Universe, Brian Green A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking Wizard; The Life and Times of Nicola Tesla
Anyone who has inspired me!