Bob Barker profile picture

Bob Barker

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi I'm Bob Barker (born Robert William Barker on December 12, 1923) I'm best known for hosting The Price Is Right. Born in Darrington, Washington, I grew up on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in Rosebud, South Dakota, where my mother was a schoolteacher. In College, I attended Drury College in Springfield, Missouri on a basketball scholarship, earned a degree in economics, then entered the Navy to fight World War II. I hosted an audience-participation radio show in L.A., when game show producer Ralph Edwards happened to be listening and liked my voice and style. In 1956, I took over hosting of the game show Truth or Consequences. The show made me a star; I was clearly a natural whose charisma and charm connected with contestants and viewers. I would host it for 19 years. I was a member of the Epsilon Beta Chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity when I was in college at Drury University. In 1937, at the age of 14, I met my future wife, Dorothy Jo, at an Ella Fitzgerald concert. Dorothy Jo died of lung cancer on October 19, 1981. My mother Matilda Valandra lived with me until her death in 1993.I'm an outspoken member of the animal rights movement, and is known for ending each episode of my game show The Price is Right by saying: "Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered." This practice would later be followed by now-deceased game show hosts Jack Barry and Bert Convy. When the United States Postal Service created a series of postage stamps on this subject, one of the shows had a small segment whose only purpose was to publicize them. I forced CBS to stop offering Porsche cars as prizes after one appearance when he learned they were involved in animal testing. CBS goes out of its way to offer prizes that do not violate my animal rights views (though for the first ten years shows did feature fur coats as prizes, and since prohibited the airing of such past episodes that featured fur coats as prizes).

My Interests

In 1972, Barker began his most famous assignment hosting the CBS revival of The Price Is Right. In the three decades of the CBS version, he has become as synonymous with the show as first host Bill Cullen was with the 1950s60s original. On September 4, 2002, The Price is Right celebrated 30 consecutive years on the air. It is the longest running game show of all time in North America, and is also the longest running five-day-a-week daytime entertainment program (and only The Tonight Show's 50 years on the air has surpassed it in terms of overall five-day-a-week American entertainment television programming). That same year, on March 1st the 6000th episode of The Price is Right hit the air. On this episode, the daytime winnings record (which had been $88,865 since 1992), was broken by a woman named Amy Rempel. She won $97,130. Barker has recently had success with a prime time version of The Price is Right. This stemmed from the incredibly high ratings for the 30th anniversary show in January 2002. Since then, the prime time specials have returned in spurts for sweeps weeks, sometimes with themes such as honoring the different branches of the U.S. armed forces (Army, Navy, Coast Guard, etc.) and American colleges. During the prime time shows, the prizes are more extravagant than in the daytime version, and the cash amounts are higher. Usually $11,000 can be won by spinning the big wheel and getting $1.00, and spinning $1.00 on one's bonus spin. A $1,000,000 prize can be won on the prime time version; this has yet to be won, however there have been a few close calls.Clips from my Final Show. Thanks Youtube!

I'd like to meet:

All my wonderful fans and supporters of The Price is Right and other things like Animal Rights. .. width="425" height="350" ..


I love listening to music especially Classical and some other types of music...This profile was edited with - Profile Editor MySpace HELP Profile Help!


The Price is Right, and much more.


Ralph Simpson who gave me my big break.

My Blog

The Countdown has Started

To my final walkdown on Price. June 12th will be consider for myself as the sadiest days of my life. I will miss you all, and I hope the next person in line will continue on the legency. Countdowns s...
Posted by Bob Barker on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:05:00 PST

From the last blog

I hope the LA ZOO makes a hellhole for these poor fucking Animals. Pat Finn who is worse than a dog, aka Dick Finn the Hitler Horse Richard Karn who is a Walrus, Shithead Anti-Semite. Ken Fuchs who i...
Posted by Bob Barker on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:04:00 PST

For a worthy cause that I save this poor Animal

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Game show host Bob Barker will pledge $300,000 toward housing an elephant from the Los Angeles Zoo in an animal sanctuary, his publicist said Tuesday. The pledge would match donatio...
Posted by Bob Barker on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:57:00 PST

Preditions for the real future

I predit that for 2007 will be a rockin year for all of us here. First Predition. I will find a great successor to take over at The Price is Right. Someone who has class and value. It won't be Pat "Di...
Posted by Bob Barker on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 06:27:00 PST