09/08: France - Cornot (mjc) - Crackwhore Fest
10/08: France - need help
11/08: France - need help
12/08: France - need help
13/08: France - need help
14/08: France - need help
15/08: UK - Cambridge
16/08: UK - Bristol - let the bastard grind!
17/08: UK - need help
18/08: UK - Aberdeen - TBC
19/08: UK - need help
20/08: UK - Newcastle upon tyne - TBC
21/08: Day Off
22/08: Netherlands - Groningen
23/08: Deutshland - Rostock - the interclub
24/08: Day off
25/08: Sweden - gothenburg - w/ Mass Grave
26/08: Denmark - Copenhagen - Club Adorno
27/08: Sweden - Stockholm - Club empire in ruins
28/08: Sweden - need help
29/08: Sweden - need help
30/08: Sweden - Jönköping
31/08: Denmark - Paramount DIY fest
01/09: need help
02/09: need help
03/09: need help
04/09: need help
05/09: Deutshland - Arsch Cholio Fest
After 3 rehearsal and 6 songs, one of our member had to move so we were forced to make a break.
In winter 2006, "Show Me Your Tits Records" contacted us to be in a 3ways split with L.A.R.D.O.N and Gleargh, so we've started to record our songs with our shit material.
After that, we've decided to continue the band even if we couldn't rehearse a lot. In 2007 the split was released and we began to do a couple of gigs and, in the summer, we'll start a tour in France and UK.
Now, a split with Xaros is available, we’ve recorded some tracks for another split and we're booking an europeen tour for the end of this summer. We still looking for a label ! :::::
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