Photography, Dancing, The Escape, Friends, Family, Nature, Camp, Camping, Broccoli, Chap Stick, Broccoli flavored chap stick, Gay Boys, Straight Boys, Pretty People, swimming, Wolf Lake, Raven Lake, Holly*Wood ;)
People. Friends. Straight People. Gay People. Cool People. Pretty People.
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Love it or Hate it. That's just how it is.
The Other Sister, The Color Purple, Mommy Dearest, Stick It and the cute little DVD my mom made for me for Christmas.
Will and Grace, the news, Reba, House and America's Next Top Model
Did Robert Fulghum write it? Then I LOVE it!!!
Wynona Judd! She's just the best one and even though I don't have a DUI, we are alot alike. Robert Fulghum! I will sit on his bench and read his writings all day...just as soon as I find that bench...trip to Seattle anyone?