♠I like Cheez-Its. I love old Cadillacs, almost every year. I own a 63 Coupe De Ville. I own a home in Old Town Orange, California. I love vintage guitars. I don't mind a good Cuban cigar and a pint of Guinness. I dig "Dia De Los Muertos" art. Im a freak about good coffee. I AM FUELED BY STARBUCKS. I really love Tequila. Some of my favorites are "1921", "Don Julio" and "Herradura". Lets not forget the Rum. Cruzan.♠
I already know everybody...................... OK God maybe, but I'll do that later!....
♣Two helpings, Please! I go to alot of shows..........but Im usually working. The Clash, Social Distortion, Nirvana, Foo fighters, Bad Religon, Jonny Cash, Green Day, Rolling Stones, New York Dolls, ACDC, Iggy Pop, Bowie, Cramps, Motor Head, TSOL, Slayer, The baddest Irish band.....Thin Lizzy.............&clubs
♦Full Metal Jacket, Team America, Indiana Jones, Good Fellas, Sin City, Pulp Fiction, Tomb Stone, Monty Phython and The Holy Grail, From Dusk Till Dawn, Natural Born Killers, Army of Darkness, The Bad Luetinent, Blue Velvet, Horror flicks of all kinds..........♦
♥Discovery Channel, of course. TLC. VH1. The Weather Channel...haha.&hearts
♠WHAT DO BOOKS DO?....hmmm....I like movies better. Sometimes, I read the label on the bottles we're drinking.....They usually say XXX with a skull an crossbones...."What does Poison mean??!"&spades
♣My Old Man!Anybody who can put up with touring and not be an asshole, at least to me. Short list. There are a few though, and I love you all!!♣