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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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FreeCommentTags.comI'm 44, single, work full time for the state of Louisiana, and am currently putting my daughter, who's 21, and myself through college. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd go back to college after being out so long!I've been divorced for almost 5 years. No one special in my life at all except my friends. Not really fun but I've learned to live with it. Makes taking trips and doing things sometimes hard & boring because of being alone. But I do it and have learned to deal with it. Means I can go where I want and sometimes when I want.I was born and raised a Southern Country girl and that's the way I'll be til the day I die. That means saying "Yes/No Mam/Sir", "Thank You", & "Please". I've taught my daughter to be the same way (except she's more of a city girl than I am).If I had my way, I'd spend what little spare time I have in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee or the Rockie Mountains of Colorado or in Montana. Those are my favorite places. One of my dream vacations is an Alaskan cruise (or maybe a cruise of any kind). I definately have to make it to Hawaii to visit one of my best friends! That goes without saying.I'd like to meet someone who I have things in common with. Not someone who has to be the center of attention or selfish or self-centered. I'd like to be with somebody who is not self absorbed with what they have or don't have. As long as they want to be with me & care about me as much as I do them, if they're a good, down-to-earth, decent, honest, respectable person then the other stuff is just extra. They have to be a family person and be able to handle a large, really loud family like I have. I want to be in love with someone for who they really are - not who they pretend to be.
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My Interests

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FreeCommentTags.comI love riding horses, rodeos, LSU sports (football & baseball especially), good chick flick romantic movies, good romantic historic books to read, long walks & talks, snuggling, public displays of affection, traveling, good times with friends and family, cooking - all with the right person. Genealogy has become one of my alltime passions,especially since I have found out that my GGG grandfather served as a Confederate Soldier from Mississippi in the Civil War. It has also become my addiction. One of my very good friends whom I've known since elementary school has gotten me hooked on anything and everything to do with the Civil War. It's like I can't get enough of it. And last, but certainly not least, I have a very great interest in proving my Native American heritage after hearing about it all my life. My pawpaw died when I was very young and my mawmaw doesn't really remember too much about the stories, so it's been up to me and my daddy to try to prove it. This is something that I will not give up on because it is a part of me and means so much to my family.Jeff Bates

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I'd like to meet:

Chris Cagle (first and foremost), definately Matthew McConaughey, Brian McNamara (Lifetime's Army Wives), Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw & Faith Hill, Reba McEntire, George Strait, Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood - most of country music's finest!I've already had the pleasure of meeting, interviewing (for a school paper), and becoming friends with Jeff Bates, Kirk Roth (works for Jeff) & Clint Clifton (Jeff's management). I've also met Tracy Lawrence, Alabama's Randy Owen & Larry Hanson, Lori Morgan, Buddy Jewell, Billy Dean, and Josh Gracin among others.I've also become friends with one of the finest country radio dj's here in Baton Rouge - WYNK's Scott Innes. Couldn't be friends with a better person!
glitter-graphics.comChris Cagle - "I Breathe In, I Breathe Out" music video

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FreeCommentTags.comI grew up with country music and I still love it. My all time favorite is Jeff Bates - Long Slow Kisses, One Second Chance, The Love Song, No Shame, Good People, Leave the Light On. I love Chris Cagle too - I Breathe In, I Breathe Out, WalMart Parking Lot, etc. At least with country music, it's about REAL life and not about the bad side of life like other types of music seem to be.
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FreeCommentTags.comChris Cagle "Laredo" music video

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FreeCommentTags.comGood chick flick romantic movies - North & South, Flicka, Must Love Dogs, My Best Friend's Wedding, The Runaway Bride, Something to Talk About, etc.
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FreeCommentTags.comReality - Survivor is a must! CMT/GAC - country music television, NCIS, Cold Case, 7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Without a Trace, Criminal Minds, some things on TVland, Lifetime's Army Wives and most of their movies, etc. And for laughs, Dog the Bounty Hunter and Gene Simmons Family Jewels.
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FreeCommentTags.comNice, long, romantic westerns, historical romances, some adventure, etc. History - especially the southern view on the Civil War. Genealogy.
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FreeCommentTags.comFirst and foremost, my main hero is GOD. Because of HIM, I am still here today. With HIS help, and the help of 3 of my best friends (Kari, Vivi & Debi) I've learned alot about myself and how to be a better and stronger person. I thank GOD everyday for the friends that HE has given me.
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FreeCommentTags.comGeorge Strait - Cross My Heart

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My Blog

Just Unbelievable....

To think after being 1 in the country for the past 2 weeks, LSU has finally been beaten by the 17 ranked University of Kentucky Wildcats.  Final score UK 43, LSU 37.  LSU was plagued all aft...
Posted by Linda on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 06:03:00 PST

2 Weeks and Counting...

2 weeks and counting til I'm on a plane and Las Vegas bound for a week.  Can't wait either.  Never been so this should be an exciting trip.  I'm going with one of my good friends who's ...
Posted by Linda on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 05:06:00 PST

Country Come to Vegas!!!!

I have never been to Las Vegas and now I finally get to go!  I've got a trip planned with one of my girlfriends who has never been either.  Funny thing about this trip is that she has never ...
Posted by Linda on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:46:00 PST

Back to School...

School has started back for Southeastern La. University this week.  Which means I have classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays.  Now, I'm what is considered a "non-traditional" studen...
Posted by Linda on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:24:00 PST