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About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI'm not really into "collecting friends" on here, so if you want to add me and you don't know me or we haven't met then PLEASE send me a message first. My favourite thing in the world is denying random band adds. Thanks...
About me... I'm lucky enough to have met a girl who I am totally in love with and would do anything for. Which totally rules. She loves me a lot too.
I feel like my brain is thinking of a million things at a time but i can't even keep track of one of them. I have a tendency to wander into traffic and will probably meet my demise under the wheels of a London taxi. I feel like the best memories i have are triggered by my sense of smell(!). My head hurts more often than it doesn't. I spend too much time on the internet. And I'm not sure if i like the fact that I like beer as much as i do... like somehow i should spend more time reading but i can't get past the fact that it's really not nearly as much fun.
Other than that, I play guitar. Currently I play it with Betty Curse , BASSKNIV3S , NY Loose and The Loyalties . A very long time ago, me and Billy Hopeless started The Black Halos which we did for about 7 years. Since then, I've played with The Yo-Yo's, Tyla/Dogs D'amour , Alec Empire and Amen. I'm also a co-conspirator (read "drinking partner") with Neil Leyton and I'll generally find myself popping up on his albums and gigs with minimal notice and maximum inebriation. That explains why it's generally a shambles if you've ever seen us play live.
So you could say i've been around the block once or twice, musically speaking. I'm not really a session guitarist, I just happen to have been lucky enough to get the chance to play with a lot of people whose music I admire.
Some stuff I played on/was involved with/etc:
... and a few more....

My Interests

Snakilingus, Supergluing stuff to Burns whilst she's asleep, doin' stuff to Burns whilst she's asleep, lookin' at Burns' bits whilst she's asleep, drinking, touring.


Silver , The Bronx , The Explosion , Dead Boys, Johnny Thunders, all that NYC punk rock shit from the 70s, Bombshell Rocks, Rancid, Radio Dead Ones, MCR, D Generation, NY Loose, Suede, The Rolling Stones, The Replacements, The Hellacopters, rock, roll, etc...


Strange Brew, Cemetery Man, Oldboy, Taxi Driver, An American Werewolf In London, Caviar Fur Alles, uhhhhhh.....


Curb your Enthusiasm, Peep Show


Jonathan Ames is pretty great (esp. "What's Not To Love?"), but I'm mostly a non-fiction man otherwise. Please Kill Me, High On Rebellion, Freakonomics, that Johnny Thunders book that Nina Antonia wrote, The End Of Faith by Sam Harris , Blink. I'd also say I'm partial to a bit of Bukowski but it's such a goddamn cliche these days...


The guy that figured this out:

My Blog

Things of the week

Ok, number one. Can that singer from Bloc Party please just fuck right off? I mean, the sad part is that I used to like some of their songs but that guy is just such a persistent whining knob that it ...
Posted by Rich on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:11:00 PST

Black Halos re-issues

Ok, so I'm posting this because these are the 2 Halos records that I wrote and played on and some of you might be interested. Then again, you might not! Either way, here you go. I'm stoked to have the...
Posted by Rich on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:19:00 PST