Bound by None was formed in July of 2006 and call the Whally area of Surrey British Columbia Home. The Band consists of four guys, Walter Moreira (Dead Radio, The Retreads) Mike Warawa (Dead Radio, The Giligans) Ben Drinkin (Lupus, Dead Radio) and Jesse Parnell ( Jesse and the Junior Girls). Many Jams later there was a direction and good chemistry followed by the passion to drink booze. Bound By None was complete by September 2006 and played there first show downtown Vancouver naked. This is a band about passion and not fashion. Bound By None is on a mission not to be limited, but provide diversity and social change within the Music.
News: Our Brand New first self titled album is on the way due out in the beginning of December 2007 consisting 0f 8 songs that change more frequently than you change your underwear in a month! For others that maybe be less, but for us that is a lot of change! We are currently looking to play more shows so if you want us to play with your band or in your area send us a message or email us at [email protected]