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About Me

PEACE.. and Welcome to "myspace".. well to start it off I'm someone who's always ready to Teach and Learn... a person with "Good Orderly Direction," who's GOAL-Oriented, Organized and Self-Motivated. I love ART, Music, SPORTS, the field of Fashion, Traveling, CHILDREN... and REAL PEOPLE - GOING THROUGH REAL HARD TIMES. I Live a Simple Life and don't need much to be Happy. I ENJOY A GOOD CHALLENGE and look foward in owning and managing serveral successful businesses, which is currently in the works. (Theinksmiths.com and FCIMMC.com - check em out) I also enjoy my Time alone and I believe Education and Self Discipline is a daily operation and key to personal growth and Human Developement. But don't get it twisted.. ya gotta have FUN, but do it intelligently. Away from all the "bullshit," you'll find me at a local bowling alley working on that 300 game. Peace!
P.S. Keep yall lives private. Too much personal info on this myspace shit! Alot of nosey mother fuckas out there. Believe me, you'll thank me later.

Watch 911 Viedo Loose Change 2nd Edition

Visit Go Portfolio

My Interests

Bowling, Music, Art, Sports, Fashion, Freedom, Learning, Traveling, Photography, People, Mathematics, Human Developement, Documentaries, KPFK 90.7fm, HISTORY and SCIENCE, Chess, Tai Chi and Yoga, Dancing, Conversing, Making Money, Vegan Resturants, Basketball, Computers, Earth.Google.com (check that shit out!!), the Economy, CHILDREN, the TRUTH about SELF, and definately some GOOD ol' COMEDY!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone... especially those willing to Learn or share their skill or trade. Those into fashion, music, art, photography, computers, business and LIFE. True innovators... Active,... Artistic,... Insightful individuals with goals. Those who can relate to the everyday struggle and who continue to Work Hard and Strive to make a change.


HIP HOP, R&B, JAZZ AND REGGAE... too many to mention. (R.I.P. J-Dilla!


HERO!, Casino, Dual to the Death, Amistad, Twin Warriors, Kung Fu Hustle, House of Flying Daggers, (all that Kung Fu Shit) Matrix(s), Belly, City of God, Kill Bill(s), Extraordinary Gentlemen, Gladiator, Scareface, Runteldat, Cheech and Chong(s), Pulp Fiction, Star Wars(s), Menace to Society, Rush Hour 2, and Kiss of the Dragon with the homie Jet Li!! can't forget about them DOCUMENTARIES too if that counts for Movies!!


I don't watch TV that much, but if you can catch me in front of the TV.. my favorite show would probably be the ESPN channels, Martin, or countless shows from the DISCOVERY and HISTORY channels. (Don't sleep.) I'll watch the NEWS or any current event channel. Gotta see what's happening to my PEOPLE.BEFORE DECEMBER 26, 2004AFTER DECEMBER 26, 2004REST IN PEACE!!BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU GOT! SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE SHIT!!ANOTHER TRAGIC EVENT: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 (911)BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001AFTER SEPTEMBER 11, 2001REST IN PEACE!!PEACE TO ALL THE VICTIMS OF 911!!SLAVERY! (another problem we haven't solved yet.)The West IndiesSTOP THE VIOLENCE!!


the DICTIONARY, the CELESTINE PROPHECY by James Redfield, MOVEMENTS OF MAGIC by Bob Klein, KUNDALINI YOGA the Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Khalsa (a book filled with little productive things to do), Art of War, The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont and THE ENTREPRENEUR'S GUIDE by Philip Holland (a self-made millionaire)...............just to name a fewPyramid of the Magician (also called the Pyramid/House of the Dwarf) in MEXICOThe Arch and Mirador, Labná, Yucatan in MEXICOIn 1862 a colossal stone head was discovered in the state of Veracruz along the steaming Gulf Coast of Mexico. In the years to come, artifacts from the culture later termed Olmec turned up at widespread sites in Mexico and adjacent Central America, with the greatest number of characteristic themes being present in the region of the original discovery.Rice terraces of IfugaoMount Mayon is the most active volcano in the Philippines. Since 1616 there were 47 eruptions. From 1616 until 2002 at least 1300 people died and thousands of people got homeless as a result of all the eruptions.GOTTA SEE THEM EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS IN PERSONGreat Pyramids at GizaSHAOLIN TEMPLE in CHINATHE GREAT WALL OF CHINATHE ARCH OF CONSTANTINE IN ROMEHadrian's Villa, Tivoli in ItalyAFRICAN VILLIAGE IN SOUTH AFRIKAANGKOR (SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA)MT. EVEREST, the highest Mountain - 29, 141 feet high. Mt. Everest has a great deal of history behind it. It was named after Sir George Everest, surveyor-general of India.Iguazu River in Brazil


Hard working parents and Allah. (Born 2/22/28 - 6/13/69) Peace to the God!CHILDREN ARE THE GREATEST!! TEACH THE BABIES!!

My Blog

Crackdown on sex slavery

CRACKDOWN ON SEX SLAVERY (Sex trafficking is set to overtake drug-running) The United States is looking at ways to stem the growing trade in sex slaves - an illegal market officials fear will ov...
Posted by UBuild on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Origins of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

Origins of the trans-Atlantic slave trade Portuguese exploration and trade: 1450 - 1500 When the Portuguese first sailed down the Atlantic coast of Africa in the 1430's, they were interested ...
Posted by UBuild on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

www.GoPortfolio.com >>> sign up is FREE!!

Go Portfolio is a Network of Portfolios, promoting Artist and Talent in the industries of Fashion, Entertainment and Music. Our directory of Photographers, Hair/Make-up artist, Stylists, Models and Ac...
Posted by UBuild on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Something I ran into... THE MIND IS A BEAUTIFUL THING!

This is so interesting!.......can you read this note? I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmab...
Posted by UBuild on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"THE WILLIE LYNCH LETTER in 1712" ...something to READ on some spare time.

THE WILLIE LYNCH LETTER 1712Gentlemen, I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Col...
Posted by UBuild on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST