!♠[Ashley-Contin]♠! profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

This is what i wake up for every morning

& what i dream of every night

♥If you need anything, just the say the word.♥ I mean anything. Rest assured, if you start to doze, then I'll tuck you in, Plant my lips where your necklaces close.
While you were sleeping I figured out everything, I was constructed for you, and you were molded for me. Now I feel your name, coursing through my veins. You shine so bright it's insane, you put the sun to shame

Make It Hot!;

My Interests

im head over heels in love with Lauren Ashley Maher period. i have a job at Aearo Co. Makin that Papuh there are only 3 things of importance in my life. which would include My job,Lauren,and my friends i am the happiest ive ever been in my entire life all because of her i changed the bad things about my life 21 in 2 months =] legal JD im overbearing sometimes and emotional. i miss some of my friends but growing up is more important at this time Skate shoes=Love I Live in Southbridge.Its the sore on the ass of commonwealth =] i live with my gf, sleeping with her is my favorite =]. My cat is so intelligent and cute. definitely better than yours. Monster energy is my favorite i dont regret anything, life is far too short


UNDEROATH Dance Gavin Dance is amaziiiing, Silverstein, as i lay dying, Emery, FaCKiN Chiodos...lots of shiit


Lauren Maher

You Jump, I Jump You're everthing i never had and always wanted.You make life so complete and beautiful in every aspect.My brain secretes an abnormal amout of endorphins when i even think about you.The butterfies still flutter and my heart grows warmer.Youre my oxygen baby. Nothing and NoOne can break the bond we share. Till Death Do Us Part♥

My Blog

Pretty Much

Everything Happens For a Reason. Almost this entire blog is going to be on how grateful i am that i got & lost that shitty job at Wendy's. Lets start from the beginning. So i start work there...e...
Posted by !♠[Ashley-Contin]♠! on Fri, 25 May 2007 10:39:00 PST

Philosophy 101

You ever reach that point in time that you would rather gouge your eyes out than to bear witness to things you just really dont have the want to see and or go through? Exactly. At one point in ti...
Posted by !♠[Ashley-Contin]♠! on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 09:27:00 PST