Music, Food and cooking, Wine, espec sardines, swordfish and red vino on beach in Portugal, trying to dance in time (!) biking, golf, windsurfing, skiing
Anyone up for good music, vino and a laugh, partic Southport people from NWest and beyond! Enjoyed meeting people from all over the world there!
Any good music of all genres but at moment big into Soulful/Deep House, M Migs, Ananda Project, Studio Apt, Okino, Joi Cardwell, Solu Music. Kai Martin, Meme, Jay - J, Latrice B, Gaelle, Lisa Shaw, Kimara L, Copyright, Jihad M, Tony H, Blue Six, Stephanie Cooke, Frankie F, Frankie Knuckles, Kenny Carvajal, Kenny & Su Su Bobien, Barbara Tucker, Fuzion, Blaze, Ben Watt, Quentin H, Dennis F , Leena Conquest, William Parker, Ju Ju Orchestra, Nicola Conte
Stanley Kubrick Shining 2001 Dr Strangelove Full Metal Jacket, David Lean Dr Zhivago etc Platoon, Private Ryan. Ridley Scott Alien/s Black Hawk Down, Gladiator,
Catch 22, Anything By Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter S Thompson, Philip K Dick
The Bobs, Jones and Jeffries, for dropping great tunes since the Dawn of Man (or at least the invention of 78s!) with continued enthusiasm and for both having time for people! Tony Humphries and Frankie Feliciano for how they build tracks. Hunter S Thompson for doing it his way!