My Blog
Green is Universal
NBC/Universal is doing green week all this week, so if you have a TV and aren't opposed to turning it on, surprisingly (even for me - I work there and was skeptical of how "green" it would really be),...
Posted by Lady Jay on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 04:05:00 PST
Interview with Jan Tompkins on Divine Diva Delights
For 4 years now, I have been involved with seeking out divas for recognition through my non-profit organization United Divas. And now, I too have the honor of getting recognized as a diva. Divine Diva...
Posted by Lady Jay on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:22:00 PST
Dust till Dawn: in Malibu, I'm djaying sunset, around 7ish
Show Time: Saturday October 7, 2006 - 7:00 PMVenue Name: Dust till Dawn: in MalibuAddress: 3666 Las Flores Canyon Rd.City: MalibuZip Code: 90265Cost: $5 donationDescription: **DUST** SATURDAY OCT. 7t...
Posted by Lady Jay on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:43:00 PST
my artist site
I am in the process of updating my artist site. You can check it out now, I have a blog, which is going to be my new way to keep up with the general public and share projects and fancies and such. Che...
Posted by Lady Jay on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 12:10:00 PST
Moons over Miami in LadyJayLand
I'm hitting up M3 and WMC in Miami this year and am involved with putting on and performing at the 2nd annual United Divas & Waxx Dolls NYC event , called 808 Diaries on Sunday March 26th from 10pm-2a...
Posted by Lady Jay on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:42:00 PST
without the wait in line...
Life takes me on a rollercoaster.
Rather than hold on tight for the ride with no end in site,
I raise my hands with glee.
Posted by Lady Jay on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 01:56:00 PST
Don't carry large sums of cash from the bank...
I just want to share a story in hopes that this wont happen to other people. Yesterday my neighbors were robbed at gunpoint in our driveway after returning from the bank. They had just deposited their...
Posted by Lady Jay on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 03:46:00 PST
Diva of the month Nov/Dec 2005
We close out 2005 with style... Tiffa Novoa, coutoure designer and performance artist...
Posted by Lady Jay on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 06:10:00 PST
The mixes are back online!!!
So, after the entire United Divas site got wiped out, I finally reloaded all the dj mixes onto my artist page. All of the other artist links should work as well. So, listen away my pretties...
Posted by Lady Jay on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 12:33:00 PST
Biiiiiiggggg Uppppps Space Island
You guys make it worth it to play in public as a dj. The people who work so hard to pull it off, the people show up and exchange enough energy to propel me through the night and onto the next week. Th...
Posted by Lady Jay on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 02:32:00 PST