Reading, Writing, Singing, Acting, Dancing, Harry Potter, DOctor Who, Music, History, Mythology, Sci-Fi, the Internet, Edge, Life Teen, my faith.
David Tennant (Doctor Who, Secret Smile, Harry Potter, Cassanova), Billie Piper (British Pop star, Doctor Who, Manchester Park), Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Jude, the Others), Alan Rickman (Harry Potter, Die Hard, Robin Hood Prince of Theives, Glaxey Quest, Snowcake) & Russel T Davies (Head writer for Doctor Who). & JK Rowling & Tomora Peirce
the list is far too long, my taste in songs jumps from genre to genre within seconds. if you wanna know specifally just ask
Harry Potter, The Untochables, Hilary Duff Movies, Halloween Town Movies, Robin Hood Prince of Theieves, Manchester Park, Jude, The Others
Dr Who, Happy Days, Reba, Secret Smile, Two Pints
Harry Potter, Some Romance Novels, Circle of Magic, the Circle Opens, Alanna of Trebond
Jesus, David Tennant, Reba MacEntire, Billie Piper, Christopher Eccleston, Russel T Davies, JK Rowling