Poetry, Chivalry, gothic culture, writing, horror, intellectual intelligence, valor, spoken word, body conditioning, creativity, creative writing, knights, nobility, love, lust, passion, the old code, thunderstorms, classic rock, conversation, cunnilingus, dark comedy, dreaming, driving, Tattoos, Body Piercing, fantasy, fiction, philosophy, psychology, pet names, pen names, rain, romance, running, running in the rain, singing, storms, storytelling, twisted thinking, sick sense of humor, Uni-Solve, IV prep, beagles, penguins, beer, wine, traveling, trust, vampire movies, video games, anime, art, camping, truth, loyalty, administering justice, self discipline, avenging the wronged, the sword, inventing, journalism, lightning, massage, music, mythology, nature, the west, body, mind, the guitar, song writing
Incubus, Nine Inch Nails, Eric Clapton, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Postal Service, Orgy, The Doors, Tenacious D, Lep Zeppelin, Creedence Clear Water Revival, Pink Floyd, Ohgr, Wu-Tang Clan, Modest Mouse, Skinny Puppy, Immortal Technique, Bob Dylan, Darrin Bradbury, Rick Warren, Austin Hennely, PPR, KMFDM, Queen, Johnny Cash, Mc Chris, The Crystal Method, Phish, Robert Randolf, SilverFish, Peter Frampton, RSWS, Bucket of Fun
Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut, King, Rice, Poe, Arthur Miller, Nod, poetry, spoken word, prose