KELLEY profile picture


Do you slit... your wrist with... the knife we used... to cut you some slack?

About Me

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

the people that i call friends


→ tEaGan & SaRa
→ DeFtOnEs
→ PanIc! aT tHe DisCo
→ LiNcOn ParK
→ BuLLeT fOr My VaLeNtiNe
→ tHe KiLLerS
→ PlAiN wHiTe T's
→ SaVesThE dAy
→ AfI
→ DrOwnIng PooL
→ KiLL hAnNaH
→ SaOSiN
→ My cHeMicAl RoMaNce
→ DeeP DiSh
→ H.i.M
→ sHe WaNtS ReVenGe
→ PorTIsHeaD
→ bRanD NeW
→ hOllYwOOd UnDeAd
→ CoLd
→ DeaThCaB fOr A CuTiE
→ cHioDoS
→ aTB
→ tHe SpIll CaNvAs
→ pOsTal SeRvICe
→ tOoL
→ hEllOgOoDbYe
→ aMbEr PaCiFic
→ juLIaNNa ThEoRy
→ SoMeThinG CorPOratE
→ ThuRSdaY
→ aNtiGonE rIsInG
→ sHe WaNtS ReVeNgE
→ 30 SeCoNdS tO MarS
→ sILvErSteIn
→ cEllDwELLer
→ dJ TiEsTo
→ pInK
→ LinKin pARk
→ FiOna ApPlE
→ ThE AtaRis
→ HoObIsTanK
→ tAkInG BacK sUnDay
→ hEaD AuTOmAtIcA
→ UnDeRoaTh
→ LaSgO
→ MinDleSs SelF IndUlgEnCe
→ AkAliNe trIo
→ IndIgO GirLS
→ VnV NaTiOn
→ mElIsSa feRRicK
→ pApA RoAcH
→ InCuBuS
→ SuGaRcUlt
→ ThrIcE
→ fLyLeAf
→ uNdErOaTh
→ DasHbOaRd ConFeSSioNal
→ aNi dIfRaNcO
→ hAwtHOrNe HeIgHts
→ ThE uSeD
→ YeLlOwCaRd
→ sToRy Of ThE yEAr
→ hOt HoT hEaT
→ A pErFecT cIrCLe
→ FaLL ouT BoY
→ sLiPkNoT
→ JiMmY eAt WorLD
→ bLeed tHe dReAm
→ mAtcHbOOk rOmAnCe
→ dIsTuRbEd
→ aLL AmErIcAn ReJeCts
→ wHiTe StRiPeS
→ aNgRy BitCh MusIc
→ AnYtHinG 80's


My Blog

Mystery Man

The freakiest thing happened tonight. I was going on my break at work and I decided to go to the bathroom before I headed out to the parking lot. I was walking up the long empty hallway to the bathroo...
Posted by KELLEY on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 08:57:00 PST

The Crab

Drunken night last night at the Cab (The Crab is what Michele and I started calling it)  Here are the random pics. Ashley and I Ash and La Toya Me and Toya Ryan Ryan and Stuart Hollie a...
Posted by KELLEY on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:25:00 PST

play + kiss = fun times

Yea well.. I dont really remember shit from last night so im just going to post the pics at let you use your imagination... PLAY   KISS all I have ...
Posted by KELLEY on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:34:00 PST

Jack Jr's New Crib

Jack has been naughty lately. He managed to escape out of his old cage and get lost in my room for a couple of days. Today I bought him a new cage and he LOVED it! He was so excited... His living lar...
Posted by KELLEY on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:30:00 PST

seek and he will come

C ould one decision truly be right O r is society playing a role in this fight N ot knowing which belief or which side to turn F orgetting the struggle is the basis to learn U nengaged with choice bur...
Posted by KELLEY on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:08:00 PST

Ooo Yea, circles are good...circles are REAL good.

So I started back to school. It sucks. I have the hardest semester! Leave it to me to get pulled over by campus cops and get a ticket for not fully stopping at a stop sign. To make matters worse ...
Posted by KELLEY on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 02:41:00 PST

Shitty Aint Pretty in Pensacola

  Late Friday night I called Paula and said "Lets go to the Beach!" Sunday morning we arrived in... I made it down there driving in 5 1/2 hours (6 to our hotel) I was totally excited. WE WERE A...
Posted by KELLEY on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:26:00 PST

Myspace got me a get out of jail free card

So Waldo and I had a little run-in with the cops last night... I think it's safe to say that everyone got a tad bit WASTED at cab last night. I had so much fun! I even danced! (which I am going to spe...
Posted by KELLEY on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:54:00 PST

party in a teepee

Yep we sure did and it was fun! an actual livable TeePee the inside New friends! Yay! hahaha Jordan felt the need to back out everytime she exited, i found it hysterical Then it got too cold so w...
Posted by KELLEY on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 01:40:00 PST

6am farts

So Jordan Justice Mo and I were sitting around tonight playing with Zoey (Zoey) We were trying to make a video of Zoey chasing this remote control car that Jordan and Mo had painted and decorated li...
Posted by KELLEY on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 04:00:00 PST