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About Me

Smallish PhD student, studying pancreatic stem cells in London

My Interests

_really_ living, amigurumi, amoral cuties, anachronistic museums, anna kavan, artifice, authenticity, avoiding microsoft, bai ling, bdsm, beck, bizarre electronica, cabinets of curiosities, cancer stem cells, cephalopoda, clouddead, comparative anatomy, computer gaming, connecting, cooking what i catch, couture, dead stuff, deciphering lautreamont, disgraceful behaviour, dressing up, dressmaking, ec1, fashion, fetish clubs, fishing, flatland, folk tales, fossils, freaks' life stories, generally tarting about, getting my doctorate, grotesquerie, grumpy blondes, hobbit wrangling, holga photography, horror movies, iceland, ikb, insects, isambard kingdom brunel, jan svankmajer, japan, jean genet, jeffrey combs, joel peter witkin, junji ito, kaidan, kashpoint, katamari damacy, keisuke kishi, king of all cosmos, knob-twiddling, lam ching ying, learning to like solitude, marc brunel, mark ryden, medical imaging, meticulous dissection, midwinter sunrise, miss roxy beaujolais, monsters from the id, monsters of silent hill, mounted skeletons, nagnagnag, noir-ish anti-heroes, noise music, obscure trivia, obsolete medical textbooks, operational steam engines, overcoming, parodius, pathology, pink grease, power games, quality wrongness, ray caesar, raymond chandler, reading aloud, robot rollcall!, rudy rucker, seafood, sewing, short stories, simple kid, sinister folk art, sleazy disco, stylish armour sets, surfeits of gin, survival horror games, t*r*a*s*h, takato yamamoto, taxidermy, taxonomy, the city of london, the cock, the planiverse, the sea, the violets, tony millionaire, torture garden, toy cameras, trevor brown, trilobites, troy nixey, turning crap into eclectica, victorian engineering, warp records, white zombie, windy hilltops, world of warcraft, yukio mishima

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting and intelligent without an attitude problem or the social skills of a hyaena vania zouravliov!


eclectic: a selection


strange, mainly horror, kung-fu supernatural horror and new wave asian horror especially: a selection


not really thanks


traditionally an avid devourer of scientific non-fiction, lately come to love fiction too. Recently have enjoyed reading:W Somerset Maugham, Yukio Mishima, Philip Pullman, Haruki Murakami, Anna Kavan, Rudy Rucker, Willans & Searle


Susan Van Noorden, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Thierry Mugler

My Blog

Oh. My. God.

I have just had the BEST TIME EVER at Manchester Pride! *beam*
Posted by gnom on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:46:00 PST

Good God Good Giggage

Last night was Remnant Psyche plus other eclectronical masher-uppers, manglers and gameboy wranglers. Sometimes I think I should just stay in the house until a gig like this comes along, then I'll hav...
Posted by gnom on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 05:24:00 PST


Last night (thankyou Seth) was one of the best gigs I've been to ever. I am more or less intact, but have some cracking bruises and a ruined t-shirt... I TOUCHED GUITAR WOLF (in fact i think i touched...
Posted by gnom on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 02:40:00 PST


Today I actually dragged myself to London and did some writing on my first technical paper, for the first time in around three months. It was a lot less scary than I had anticipated! I actually feel m...
Posted by gnom on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:54:00 PST


Woohoo! My biggest catch so far! Golden tench, Manor Lakes, Ower. 5BB balsa drift-beater + 3 maggots (yellows) on #12 barb-less. 5lb line, quite a tussle!...
Posted by gnom on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 03:08:00 PST

TG outfittery

Posted by gnom on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:07:00 PST


I've discovered quite a few cool new things (well, to me) this week. In no particular order, I am loving: 1. Last.FM 2. Codex Seraphinianus 3. Waitrose Own Plain Belgian Chocolate with Fruit and Nuts...
Posted by gnom on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:05:00 PST

fork me: i'm emo

My brain is all wrong. Again. I need some kind of cattle prod to reset it.
Posted by gnom on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:03:00 PST

things wot wiggle

Had a top-hole day in the New Forest yesterday. 
Posted by gnom on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 03:08:00 PST

My other blog is a...

It just struck me that I don't blog here, I blog at Thought I'd let ya know... Rah!...
Posted by gnom on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:02:00 PST