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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am the coolest person I know, besides everyone else I know. Ohhh. Think about that one.

My Interests

I like hot chicks, of course. I like chess. I like movies. I like basketball. I like soccer. I like to read. I like drinking. I like drinking and talking to hot chicks. I like talking to hot chicks and drinking. I like watching pro speed walking races. I like to eat food.

I'd like to meet:

Guess what!I might just win this thing. I got an email from Indie 103.1 today asking for a hi-res copy of my commercial.This deserves one last push.Please go watch my commercial again and leave me a comment and rate me, rate me high if you are nice.I PROMISE!If I win, I will come give everyone that RATES me and leaves a COMMENT a RIDE.CLICK HERE TO HELPWho knows, maybe Volvo will sponsor my trip if I have to go to some of the crazy places that you all live.Maybe Oprah will hear about us and give everyone a Volvo.You never know, so please go help me out.CLICK HERE TO HELP


Cold Cut Trio and Turkey are my faves.

My Blog

Le Barbe Part 1 : The Pitch

Hello to all.This is a short script that my friend Erni and I wrote with the slim hopes that we could get it into the hands of the great Zach Galifianakis, and through the powers of Hollywood networki...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:17:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 2 : The Suggestion

OPENING CREDITSA black screen with white text appears: LE BARBE. A montage in the style of French Impressionistic films from the 1920's ensues. Dramatic piano music plays as flickering black-and-white...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:14:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 3 : The Problem

INT. ZACH'S BATHROOM - LATERZach stands in front of the sink and looks at himself in the medicine cabinet mirror. He opens the cabinet and takes out some scissors, a razor, and shaving cream.Zach trim...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:13:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 4 : Patton Helps

INT. COSTUME STORE - LATERZach grabs every fake beard in the store. He walks up to the counter with his arms full of beards.The CLERK is a pudgy, middle-aged, Indian man with thinning hair carefully c...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:12:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 5 : Advice and Anger

INT. GYM - DAYZach fences with KYLE Gass. Kyle beats Zach, and with his sword still poking into Zach's chest, he lifts his mask. KYLEHave you tried Jello?Zach flips up his mask. ZACHJello? Who are you...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:11:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 6 : Dinner

INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHTZach and his MOTHER and FATHER are sit at a nice table eating salads. MOTHERZachary, honey, you look so much younger without that awful beard. His Father grunts. FATHERBurt Reyn...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:10:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 7 : A Hairy End

This is the last segment of Le Barbe. I hope you enjoyed it. EXT. SCIENTOLOGY HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT Zach looks very conspicuous and paranoid. He wears a trench coat. With him, hidden in the shadows, is...
Posted by chuck on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 05:23:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 6 : Dinner

INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHTZach and his MOTHER and FATHER are sit at a nice table eating salads. MOTHERZachary, honey, you look so much younger without that awful beard. His Father grunts. FATHERBurt Rey...
Posted by chuck on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:32:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 5 : Advice and Anger

INT. GYM - DAYZach fences with KYLE Gass. Kyle beats Zach, and with his sword still poking into Zach's chest, he lifts his mask. KYLEHave you tried Jello? Zach flips up his mask. ZACHJello? Who are yo...
Posted by chuck on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:59:00 PST

Le Barbe Part 4 : Patton Helps

INT. COSTUME STORE - LATERZach grabs every fake beard in the store. He walks up to the counter with his arms full of beards.The CLERK is a pudgy, middle-aged, Indian man with thinning hair carefully c...
Posted by chuck on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:37:00 PST