Checking out the rest of the World. Tasting anything I've never had before. Breathing underwater. Bourbon. Making my own damn schedule. Shiny objects. Buying trashy knickers. Having interesting jobs. Having interesting friends.
People who can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Synthpop, IDM, Industrial, Electronica, Dirrrty Electro, Trancey stuff, cheezy 90's dance, Edith Piaf, Billie Holliday.
City of Lost Children, Pi, The Dark Crystal, Donnie Darko, What Dreams May Come, The Secret of Nimh, Amelie, The Science of Sleep. Films which tug on the heart strings but also twist the brain cells. Films which make you think... but not *too* much (otherwise I wouldn't be lounging in front of the screen when I could be out doing something creative or mischievious!)
I haven't seen a TV in about 3 months. With the exception of Thai music videos and Indonesian karaoke on a few bus trips.
Griffin & Sabine trilogy, ethnic cookbooks, textile reference books
My mom. Captain Cook. Jacques Cousteau.