Reading and working out. I write poetry and beats. I Believe in that all men should be treated equal. I believe in innocence, until proven guilty. I believe that you treat people the way you want to be treated.
Radicals, revolutionaries, panthers, freedom fighters, political prisoners, prisoner support groups, anarchists
I rap, write lyrics and beats. I have copy-rites to some of my art. Due to my imprisonment it has been complicated trying to get a demo out.
Having a demo in rotation would allow me to attain donations in ex-change for my work to pay for some legal expertise to Free Romeo.
If you are interested in assisting Romeo with music producion, or can donate funds for production/phone recorder please contact: [email protected]
After 10 years of inprisonment I must admit that the movies that I remember and cherrish most were movies that I saw at home as a child. "Imitation of Life" ,"Cornbread Earl and Me", to name a few.
I had the oppertunity recently to be interviewd Live on a C.N.B.C special, called "Locked Up" The show did give my case a small amount of publicity, I pray via "Locked Up", this site and or any means necessary "The Public" will hear of my un-fair and un-just treatment. I also pray that every-one reading my words will take steps in my defense by writing some-one, calling some-one, e-mailing a friend, donating time or money.
I read all the time, mostly legal material.