traveling the globe (Next stops, Buenos Aires and Mykonos), laughing (It's no good unless it's snorty), reading (Joseph Conrad changed my life), listening to Car Talk on NPR (click and clack rock!), soccer (GO FC Barcelona!!!!), watching the discovery channel (shark week, deadliest catch, dirty jobs = a little piece of heaven), the world series of pop culture (don't try to stump me it won't happen, exhibit A: Katie's wedding and the "MR MR/Kyrie Eleison" fiasco), trips to the theater (so many plays, so little money), watching the sea when it's stormy (especially in the Outer Banks),quoting movie lines(you're crazy!.........Don't rush the judgement on that one) and rap songs (get.... that.... dirt off ya shoulder), home improvement (happiness is wandering the aisles of the home depot at 59th and Lex)
people who don't spit on the sidewalk
death cab, regina spektor, ray lamontagne, de la soul, frou frou, anita baker, nine inch nails, pj harvey, gypsy kings, outkast, jackopierce, blackstar,feist, johnny cash, matthew good, ladysmith black mambazo, dandy worhols, dead prez, richard ashcroft, tori amos,tears for fears, boney m, tribe called quest, The Cure, the postal service, massive attack, indigo girls, travis, the roots, bruce hornsby, radiohead, marc broussard, michael jackson pre '86
atame, atame, bend it like beckham, labyrinth, signs, persuasion, love actually, mostly martha, so I married an axe murderer, in america, grosse pointe blank, tommy boy, I'm gonna git you sucka, shaun of the dead, dogma, little miss sunshine, an inconvenient truth
ugly betty, the office, dead like me, project runway, the kumars at no. 42 or anything else on the BBC
jane eyre, worst case scenario survival handbook, the giving tree, persuasion, our america: life and death on the south side of chicago, why freedom matters, anything by dave barry
Gambit and Rogue