Gibran a.k.a. Archmage Arthazal profile picture

Gibran a.k.a. Archmage Arthazal

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Among other things, I am a novelist in the "fantasy" genre. (see )to view some of my writing and artwork as I draw along with ecrivant.) I am a singer songwriter, with wide range but generally performing in contralto or first tenor. I was on Peabody's children's choir, All County in Baltimore, and stayed in choir through high school. I am presently seeking a guitarist to help me reform my band. I also draw. I love Christmas and Halloween, snow etc.I have an English degree, love reading, and I am a Big Lord of The Rings fan, and used to win contests as a kid, performing as Gandalf The Gray. I enjoy history, and art, and I follow politics, but I hate propoganda and media hyperbole and distortion. I also take issues with government encroachment. While never a drug user or advocate, I am aware of the fact that, until 1914, most drugs were legal in the US, and their illegalization had a lot to do with racial tensions. I also know that, as had been the case with most of the world for most of human history, general age of consent in the US was around a now shocking 14 until the end of the early 1900s. I know that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld supported Saddam Hussien's regieme when he was commiting atrocities in the 1980s, mainly for the purpose of weakening Iran. I know that George Washington liked to drink, and in at least one instance gave Marijuana to his troops, that Ben Franklin had at least 25 children out of wedlock, that Thomas Jefferson, at 40 plus, began an affair with a 15 year old slave girl named Sally ( they had several children), that Ethan Allan was a rum smuggler, and that, despite their issues, all three of those founders, and Thomas Paine with them, would roll over in their graves if they knew that Habeus Corpus was being put up for graps, and that wire tapping and tracking were being sanctioned by the government. They just wouldn't stand fot the sort of encroaching, Big Brother government we are lazily rolling over for. In an unrelated matter, I know that if you read Numbers 31 you will find that Moses was guilty of genocidal war crimes. Also, monogamy probably isn't the most natural thing for humans, especially males. I question it frequently. CHALLANGE! (En Francais)elective POLYAMORY, Thats the way!. I think other people should know these things too. It makes for a better informed populace. It also makes it harder for the government and media to exploit and manipulate us. There are other facts you should know about history and government, but that is what history proffessors, historians and libraries are for. Consult them on any and every topic that comes to your attent.

My Interests

I already stated most of them. Aside from those mentioned, I enjoy films, wonder, fairies, nature, adventuring etc. I like the writings of Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Stephen King ( I would like to meet him as well), Toni Morrison, Shel Silverstein and others. I like the Harry Potter movies and most other well made films with magic. I like most mammals, especially cats and wolves. I also like sharks. I am fascinated by psychology, when it isn't bull sh!t, and also information on human and mammal behaviour, sexual behavior, social behaviour etc. I also like astronomy, but I am not made for physics.

I'd like to meet:

Sade,( the singer ) and marry her. lol. ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, I am right insatiable. lol. Tina Turner, because she is a phenomenal person, and entertainer. David Bowie, because we share a birthday, I like some of his music, and I loved his portrayl of Jareth in the movie Labryinth. Annie Lennox, Sting, Paul Simon, Smokey Robinson, Bjork, and Coldplay, for musical reasons. Other singers, but the list is long, so. . . George Lucas, so he could turn my novels into films ( smile). Bill Maher, because he is cool, and actually likes to learn rather than just preach. Terry Brooks. Neil Gaiman.Fiona Apple, for several reasons.The Vampire Lestat. Not Tom Cruise, but The Vampire Lestat.Oprah, Matt Lowe, Chris Hansen, Joe Scarborough and a host of other media know it alls, if only to inform them that they are largely under informed about a great many topics on which they speak, and to scold them for frequent inaccuracy, propoganda, and for contributing to an ignorant populace that has trouble dealing with complexity and preferrs to erroneously view a very colourful world in black and white only.The Writers of Guiding Light so I can insist that they show Alexandra Spaulding and the rest of that clan more often.Tim Burton and Jhonny DeppDavid Blaine and Chris AngelBill Clinton, and a few other Politicians.Beyonce and several of the Victoria Secret models. . . for obvious reasons.


My key influences range from Paul Simon ( with and after Garfunkel) to Sting, to David Bowie ( with whom I share a birthday), to Annie Lennox ( during and after the Eurythmics), to Tina Turner, to Patti Labelle, James Brown, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, COLDPLAY, Tears For Fears, U2, Fiona Apple, to Nina Simone ( for those who really know their music history). There are others, but these are some of the most influential on me.


Lord of The Rings ( though it left out or mangled a few important features of The books) Harry Potter series, Labtyinth, Legend, Willow, American Beauty, Beaches, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, The Lost Boys, Steel Magnolias, Interview With A Vampire, Annie, Hair, The Last Unicorn, The Silver Bullet ( because it really scared me), Howling I and II ( also Scary), It (scary), Sleepwalkers ( cats rule), Shrek films, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story ( but only the fist one that hews close to the book), Star Wars originals and Revenge of THe Sith, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pirates of The Caribbean, Hook, Spirited Away, Inuyasha movies, History Of THe World (Mel Brooks), The Goonies, THe Gremlins and half a dozen other 80s films, etc.


INUYASHA (and Lord Sesshomaru), sometimes Guiding Light, Real Time with Bill Maher, News programs, History, and Discovery Channel, C-Span, sometimes Sci-Fi, much of Cartoon Networks Adult Swim programs ( but not Robot chicken or Metalpoc, not that they are bad, I just haven't watched them much. And okay, sometimes Robot Chicken is bad). The Simpsons and The Family Guy. Chris Angel. The Man Show. David Letterman. Conaan O'brien, video game shows on G4,


Most Terry Brooks books, esp Landover, obviously Lord of The Rings, the Narnia books, books by the authors mentioned above, Wicked and Son of A Witch by Gregory Macguire ( really two phenomenal reads), Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, Mark Twain's Letters From The Earth, The Illiad, The Vampire Chronicles, Neil Gaimain and Yoshitaka Amano's Dream Hunters, Hesiod's Theogony, The Dragonlance books. . . a vast quantity of books.


I'll need to think on this and get back to ya.