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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Get your own Happy Anyday Greeting!Well, what can I tell you about myself? I’m called Alexander, but most people call me Alex. Standing 5’11” tall, with brown hair and blue eyes, I’m described by my friends as a friendly, calm, laid back and pleasant person. I admit that I am very shy (especially around women), but when I get to know someone, I can be quite bubbly and outgoing. Being an optimist means I always try to find the positive side of situations, although not fully rejecting the negative side… I hate being bored and love having fun, so I always find something fun that I can do when i’m bored. I have many hobbies and interests including: the internet, cooking, gardening, making new friends, reading, learning languages, shopping, working out, a few sports etc. I’m not a sporty person, although I like to play tennis, badminton and I like to ice skate. I don’t like football though. Until I was 15, clothes shopping was a no-go area for me. I hated it! I had no idea why people loved it so much because it seemed so boring and a waste of money. However, when I was 15, I developed a love for clothes and now I’m hooked on clothes shopping. I have only ever had one girlfriend (in year 3), which I finished with because I knew I didn’t know the true meaning of love and it couldn’t possibly work out. Since then I’ve been too shy to even talk to any attractive girl let alone ask them out. I seem to tremble and stumble on my words and then look an idiot. Friends to me in primary school seemed to be just a number (who’s the most popular) and someone to play chase with. However, coming to secondary school, I realised that friends are there to talk to about interests and problems, to feel wanted and liked, to be trusted and to know that they are there for you in times of need and that you can be there for them also. I have made some wonderful friends in my lifetime and hope to make many more in the future. Thank you for reading :) ..
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My Interests

I love Cascada, Lost, Heroes, the internet, cooking, gardening, making new friends, reading, learning languages, shopping, working out, a few sports

I'd like to meet:

Genuine friends, Evangeline Lily, Cascada.


Cascada, Hayden Panettiere, Infernal, Booty luv, Sugababes, Basshunter, Enrique Iglesias, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, Fedde Le Grand, Kim Sozzi, Vanessa Ann Hudgens, Freemasons, Delta Goodrem, Lucie Silvas, The Corrs, Shayne Ward, Darren Styles, Kelly Llorenna, Dance nation, Sunblock, Candee Jay, Angel city, Karen Danzig, D.H.TDANCE SONGS PLAYLIST
Cascada - What do you want from me?Basshunter - Now you're goneCascada - What Hurts The MostCascada - Last ChristmasCascada - Piece of HeavenCascada - A Neverending Dream

Add to My Profile | More VideosCascada-Miracle

Add to My Profile | More VideosCascada Truly Madly Deeply New Music Video!

Add to My Profile | More VideosCascada - Everytime we touch

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Plenty. Err Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean 1 + 2, High School Musical 1 + 2, Harry Potter, Over the hedge, The Day After Tomorrow, Ice Age 1 + 2 Shrek 1, 2 & 3 etc.


Lost, Heroes, The Eurovision Song Contest, The X Factor, The Apprentice and err, umm...
myspace graphics


Mostly non-fiction, but also the Lost magazine, Mens Health and Mens Fitness. I also like to read the Book of Mormon and the Bible.


My mum :D My heroes know who they are ;D

My Blog

Noticed something strange about Cascada songs...

If you re-arrange the first letters of the songs they released on the first album, they spell out 'Team', Look: Truly Madly Deeply Everytime we touch A neverending Dream Miracle 'There's no I in team'...
Posted by Alexander on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:58:00 PST

The next Cascada single to be released...

'What do you want from me?' is to be Cascada's second single release from their new album. This song was originally thought to be called 'Tell me why', but confused people when the name appeared on th...
Posted by Alexander on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:01:00 PST

Cascadas new album - Perfect Day - listing

The following tracks are those that will be on the new Cascada album - Perfect Day. It sounds like it's going to be GREAT! Track listings 1. What Hurts The Most 2. Runaway 3. Who Do You Think You Ar...
Posted by Alexander on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 12:47:00 PST

The new Cascada video is out!!!

I've just seen it and it's great! I love Natalie's new look and the video is great! I really can't wait to buy it ...
Posted by Alexander on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:44:00 PST

Ive just seen 3 songs that are possibly on the new Cascada album. I cant wait!

What hurts the most, Because of the night and endless summer are apparently on the new album! I saw a listing of the songs on the Clubland 12 album and it has Cascada - what hurts the most (Darren Sty...
Posted by Alexander on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:34:00 PST

Lost season 3 is out!!!!!!!!

The Lost season 3 boxset is out YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Just went into HMV today to look at the new CD's and DVD's and there it was, placed right in front of me. I've waited so long for this. I ...
Posted by Alexander on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:09:00 PST

Hacked into

I've just found out that i've been hacked into. AHHHHHH!
Posted by Alexander on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:43:00 PST

The perfect sore throat remedy.

I had a sore throat a while ago and searched the internet on how to get rid of it. I found this remedy and tried it and - to my surprise - it worked immediately. All it said was to consume some cayenn...
Posted by Alexander on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:48:00 PST

Music at the moment is good. Hearing Cascada everywhere.

I was in HMV a while ago and was about to go to the tills to buy some CD's. The next thing I know, Cascada's 'How do you do' came on the radio and so I changed my direction and stayed in the store lon...
Posted by Alexander on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:07:00 PST

Exams looming...but concerns about Madeline...

Now's the time of the year where stress levels are at their peak. It's the exam time!!! Although i'm trying to focus on my exams, i'm also really concerned for this poor Madeline and her parents. I re...
Posted by Alexander on Sat, 12 May 2007 04:17:00 PST