Broken Father is about the relationship between an individual and his or her father. In todays world the father is often absent, unemotional or detached from the child. This leaves the child with a huge hole in their heart, because the love and acceptance of the father is a very significant part of an individuals life. I wrote Broken Father for any person who has been deeply hurt by their father, yet they desire a relationship with him again. It speaks on forgiveness and honesty of the heart. I hope that my song not only touches your fathers heart but your heart as well. I pray that healing and restoration occurs between the two of you!!!!I Need You
I Need You is a beautiful love song created to touch the heart. In each and everyone one of us there is a desire to love and connect with another deeply. When this love is lost we are often left feeling crushed in spirit. I pray that my song helps you during your grieving process and brings hope to your heart!!Get Your Own! |a