food, food, cooking, great conversations....oh and art (
artists of all pursuasions, passionate people, wanderers, wonderers and the young of heart and mind, someone to share the highs and lows of life with...
fila brazilia, gorillaz, ben harper, the knife, amy winehouse, fat freddies drop, international observer, tom waits, billy holiday, madelaine peroux, handsomeboy modelling school, trentmøller, pitchblack, bjork....
withnail & I, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, bladerunner, thin red line, garden state, gosford park, ferris buellers day off, hitchcocks "rope", .... loads...
not really... love simpsons and family guy... oh house is pretty cool, but i always forget to watch... how about artists, phil hale, dali, jan åke petterssen, moebius, gaudi, kvium, stephane tartelin, carravagio, van gogh, toulouse lautrec, ray caeser...
"the master and margherita" by mikhail bulgakov, iain banks scifi, "the baroque trilogy" by neale stephenson (actually anything by the man), "a room of ones own" by virginia woolf, john ruskins musings on iron, "the liar" and" moab is my washpot" by stephen fry, "kitchen confidential" by anthony bourdain, "heat" by bill buford, "the airtight garage" by moebius,"the unbearable lightness of being" by milan kundera,.... loads can't remember them all
peter ustinov, john ruskin, my mum and dad, stephen fry, gaudi, hundervasser...