BEAUTIFUL/DECAY, MANIFEST MUSIC, Turntablism, Crate Diggin, Art (Graf/Visual), Graphic Design, Video, Culinary Arts, trees ;)
Oprah, Jone Rivers Barbra Striesand, He-Man, Bobby Trendy, The guy next door.
Underground Hip Hop,Reggae, Jazz, Funk, Classic Rock, Manifest Music, Jayceeoh, Dos Noun, Burnso, Verbal Tec, Parts of Speech, Deck Demons...
Big Lebowski, Super Troopers, Kung Fu flicks, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Tron, THX1138, Braveheart , King of New York, Scarface, How High, Half Baked
The Daily Show, ATHF, Family Guy, South Park, Venture Brothers,
Kitchen Confidential, Celestine Prophecy, The Fuck Up, Breakfast of Champions, Da Vinci Code