Music,art(Munch,Waterhouse,Mark Ryden,Brom,Royo,Rachael Huntington,Jonathan Wayshak,Caspar David Friedrich,Th.Kittelsen,Frazetta,Fusili,Peter Nicolai Arbo,Lars Hertvig,Peder Balke,August Cappelen,Adolph Tidemand,Johan Christian Dahl,Favorit flower:Colchicum autumnale and Dahlia.Thunder,Polarbears,Harley,Corvette,icespikes,Snow,Sto
rm,cats,Theater,conserts,gargoyles,knives,axes (Hibben,Colt,Gerber)
I'd like to meet:
ACE/QUORTHON"Hammerheart"Now that the wind called my name
And my star had faded now hardly a glimpse up in the empty space
And the wise one-eyed great father in the sky stilled my flameFor the ones who stood me near
And you few who were me dear
I ask of thee to have no doubts and no fearsFor when the great clouds fills the air
And the thunder roars from o, so far away up in the sky
Then for sure you will know that I have reached the joyous hall up highWith my bloodbrothers at side
All sons of father with one eye
We were all born in the land of the blood on iceAnd now you all who might hear my song
Brought to you by the northern wind have no fear
Though the night may seem so everlasting and forever darkThere will come a golden dawn
At ends of nights for all yee on whom
Upon the northstar always shinesThe vast gates to hall up high
Shall stand open wide and welcome you with all its within
And Oden shall hail us bearers of a pounding hammerheart
Sabrax/Haron,Cradle Of Filth,Bathory,Windir,Manowar,Vader,Vesania,ABORYM,Sonata Arctica,Sentenced,Bjørn Berge,Dream Evil,Behemoth,I,1349,Morbid Angel,Canibal Corpse,Rigor Mortis,Nattefrost,The 69 Eyes,,Notre Dame,Children of Bodom,Lillian Axe,Nile,Lizzy Borden,Wholy Martin,Harald Sæverud,Slayer,Destruction,Susperia,Nick Cave,Arch Enemy,LEGENDARY SHACK SHAKERS,
Beranek,Midnight Choir,Tuco's Lounge for å nevne noen.....egentlig så finnes det musikk for enhver anledning..
Hole In The Sky 2004:Tribute til Quorthon..beautiful!!
Nosferatu,Dracula,Evil Dead,Predator,Hellraiser,Leon,Chucky,Frankenstein,Phantom og the Opera,Dick Turpin,The Crow,Anatomi,The Ring,Silent Hill,Omen,Braveheart,Army of Darkness,X-men,Men in tights,Blues Brothers,movies made by Tim Burton,Wes Craven,Clive Barker,John Carpenter,Mel Brooks..and all stuff with Vampires..Adeadfaith
American Choppers (OCC)
Six Feet Under
Biography about Edvard Munch,Harald Sæverud.
Lexicon,Phatology,art,music,poison,serial killers,Roald Dahl,Dan Brown,Agatha Christie"Love is the law, love under will"
Morticia Addams.Vampirella (Julie Strain).Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer).Elizabeth Bathory.Monica Bellucci.
Isabelle Adjani.---
Evel Knevel.Houdini
Bente Lyon---
Harald Sæverud