:: sari :: profile picture

:: sari ::

"a wise girl kisses but never loves, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.-Mar

About Me

I'm a very down to earth person, real in all senses of the word. Those in my circle understand and undoubtedly know this. Those open minded enough and tolerant eventually get there in the end.I was born and raised on Sint. Maarten (Caribbean, Dutch West Indies) yes paradise!...but i am a different sort, not ur typical carib girl, and i never have been so ..Europe is my thing hence why i live here. I am a mix of sorts, Indonesian, German, Dutch, Surinamese, i got some Russian in there as well to my surprise (hence my horrible middle name...:P ) all in all, I'm a mixture but who the hell cares about what u have in you, it should be about who you are and what your experiences make of you. thus...so confused i am not. but if someone were to ask (and they do) I'm an island girl with European and Asian background...:) zo simpel kan het ook !Can't live without traveling, photography, literature, philosophy and friends! Amsterdam is my city, the best feeling about this place is being considered one of the locals, hella cool. I especially enjoy Amsterdam because of the canals and the CAVE!!! and all the wonderful people who come to the cave...u know who u are. never have i felt so comfortable in my surroundings...the cave rocks.I'm a student of English Language and Literature, but i must say, i came here wanting to love uni and i ended up hating it because the university i attend is filled with christians, slutty lesbos and kids who think drinking a beer after class will stunt their studies...:s fucking hell ...even high school we were more 'fun' than this but anyways...see what religion does? or not having balls does? hmpf...christ ...but anyways....all this means is TRANSFER!!! Can't wait to begin Art Academy and pursue what i really wanna do with my life. My universe is unfolding exactly the way it should and I'm loving it.as for work...I practically live at my job....:P Theater.. my job is kickass, so are the people i work with. In my spare time (soon to be fulltime) I'm a freelance photographer, soulmate to my friends, treehugger, whale fanatic (yeah i have a slight infatuation with whales) hmm lets see...sumthin else thats interesting? ....uhm....I'm a bit of a nihilist...a pessimist,masochist & a 'saint' (NOT) lol...pessimistic, most of the time..but also very social...sometimes too social,bitchy, friendly, curious, ditsy at times. all in all...i try not to get annoyed by ignorant people (whoa!...and i live HERE?) lol 'i write to reveal to others what i myself am trying to find out' Oh and ...pls when adding me..send a message or something...i'm not one to add people based on just a pic ...altho...sometimes that works..lol...if ur super duper hot...when sending a request...send a message..it doesn't take too long, actually it takes less time to do than staring at my boobs....either way its annoying and moreover insulting when ppl just wanna add me cuz i have boobs or i'm so called 'sexy' get fucking over it....sexiness lies in being intelligent and interesting, a picture only says so much ...looks are only skin deep so...come on..if u don't know that ..then don't add me! also..i don't like these dramatic type women who claim to be who they are not..so get a life..get over it..or go kill yourselves and save the world from ur menstrual cramp attitudes...seriously..no I'm not a fucking (modern day extremist feminist and i don't support the concept...sorry girlies...i've read shakespeare's taming of the shrew and i understand the way it should be understood...so to speak...women have their place (and most of the time it's not a bad place) ...so do men...deal with it..i do.
Get Your Sexy Name..
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com
You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com
E You Belong in Amsterdam
A little old fashioned, a little modern - you're the best of both worlds. And so is Amsterdam.
Whether you want to be a squatter graffiti artist or a great novelist, Amsterdam has all that you want in Europe (in one small city). What European City Do You Belong In?
he may have sold out somewhat but Warner REMAINS A GOD!!!..
border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" ..
10 Years - ..

My Interests

Music * Photography * Poetry * Guitars * English Literature is partially my life * Bringing down the man they call bush * Paganism and Wicca * Pool (as in billiards) * Cats * Turtles (i miss my reefer) * Pickles * Awesome people...(awesome = inspiring) * Sunshine * Gothic Churches * Photo Books * Books!! * Acoustic versions of songs * VondelPark tijdens de zomer (during summer) * Mosh Pits * Art *KORSAKOFF (S..Z..)!!! * THE CAVE ROCK AND METAL CLUB...!!! Beaches (how can i not? i'm an island chica :P) * Surfing/surfers* Poetry podiums... * Empty notebooks especially with leather casing...AMSTERDAM!!!! I love being in LOVE…(but don’t label me as one of those women who needs a companion…(I don’t NEED anything..except music,pen n paper and a camera...cant exclude the camera...:)
- I’ll update this ..now and again… - For all pics..click on any one of these pictures… - ?

I'd like to meet:

Basically anyone who wants to chat , share music, keep in touch, ppl with a sense of humour, ppl who dont mind all my ellipses...... ..... ....... :) I'd like to meet real people, down to earth types, spiritual, easygoing, weird in a very positive and inspiring way, people who understand personal growth (i don't mean erections), people who have my interests and beliefs and whatever else. Limitation on who i wanna meet is not subject to anything but i'll say this, if you are the hip hop bling bling type with the hip hop urban music bullshit and the girls with the big asses who when they are 50 will look horrible...well uhm...please stay fucking clear of me and do not add me cuz it is quite obvious i'm not into that shit. and yes ..i think it is shit..altho i really respect ur choices in life but uhm...if you cant respect my satanic metal alternative rock 'white type' music/lifestyle..then fuck off..and yes i have been raised on an island where listening to 'white music and being into white guys' was looked down upon and rejected...so what the fuck was that about racism and discrimination? ah yeah i thought so ...so shut the fuck up and don't add me!All in all, I'd prefer meeting people who are genuine, the no bullshit types. Considering the many people who put up fronts of being fake just to get what they want from you ...(sound familiar Chantal de Vogel aka the i was raped by my daddy and so now i use it as an excuse to act like a slut?) well..i have a method of filtering those fucks out. wanna find it out? try me.Despite the amount of fake asses and cunts who have tried to come into my life and ruin me due to envy and all that sort of aesthetic shit, i don't forget about the fact that there are genuine and wonderful people in this world, those who are very good, the kind you find in my circle of friends. i love you people.and of course we all have our lists of peopel we'd love ot meet...so here goes: Brian Warner, Tori Amos, Lenny Kravitz, Friedrich Nietzsche, James Maynard Keenan ( u are a god), Trent Reznor...do i need a reason?


TOOL, A Perfect Circle, Tori Amos, NIN, SOAD, Nirvana, RATM, Pantera, MOGWAI, incubus, Slipknot,...uhm..Yasmin Levy!!!...Sia, Radiohead, Life of Agony, Pedro the Lion, Extol, From Autumn to Ashes, BLINDSIDE (even if they’re CR..:S..tre I blame u xx) Ben Harper, ARCTIC MONKEYS, Chevelle, Modest Mouse, CKY, Madonna, PORTISHEAD, massive attack, Blue Foundation, 3rd Eye Blind, Bush, No Doubt, Dashboard Confessional, Metallica, SUBLIME, Melissa Auf der Maur, The Prodigy, RHCP, DEFTONES, Depeche Mode, Sarah Mclahan, Kittie, Flyleaf,4Hero, Beck, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Black Crowes, Bright Eyes, Breakin Benjamin, 10 Years, LAYMA, Hole, Soundgarden, Velvet Revolver, Santiago Fradejas, Panic!at the disco, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Mars Volta, HENDRIX, DOORS, Thin Lizzy, The Beatles, Queens of the Stone Age, Zero 7, Pearl Jam, Boards of Canada, Sade, Big Wreck, AiC, Stone Sour, Black label Society, Green Lizard, Unethical, FLYLEAF, My Dying Bride, David Sylvian (;) s.) Intwine, AP2, Diseased Music, Atharva, Lacuna Coil, Demonhunter, ANATHEMA, Winterchylde, MOZART, Green Lizard, hmmm…and more..…I’ll update this sooner or later…qua Classical (Beethoven, Chopin, Hungarian Rhapsodies... I AM into alternative, rock, blues, hard rock, classic rock (70's) ,metal, grunge basically ..anything with guitars and long haired hottie guys with torn jeans, guitars between their legs......whisky bottles, me..lol... for those of you who are either persistent or very stupid…i'm not into dancehall/rnb/hiphop!! so don’t add me if ur the type who ‘wants to be a gangsta, not interested in that mentality,so don’t waste ur time (OR MINE)it’s not an insult..it’s advice!meant well..and if ya can't handle that..it says enough... ....


No one here gets out alive - welcome to the dollhouse - lola rennt - a beautiful mind - christiana f - clerks - the craft - 28 days later - a beautiful mind - finding nemo - madagascar - a clockwork orange - y tu mama tambien - pi - clueless (yeah i know but i love it) - the breakfast club - anything monty python.... - spaceballs (anything mel brooks) :) hehe - labyrinth - dark crystal - anything muppets (yeah I love muppets...:P lol...lol meet the feebles (what a weird flick, must be very stoned to enjoy that....trust me)- heathers - fast times at ridgemont high - the sweetest thing(i LOVE the penis song)- dreamers - Slackers - clerks - eternal sunshine otsm, discovery of heaven, Anything 80's (well..teenish..i'm fondof those flicks..must be something nostalgiac), What Dreams May Come, Over the Hedge!!, Hoodwinked, Shrek, (i love pixar stuff...and a shitload of Disney..blame on the inner child...) Rosencrantz & Guildenstern (w/gary oldman), A Midsummer's Night dream, Romeo & Juliet etc (anythign based on shakespeare i tend to love), Cruel Intentions and so on....


dont watch too much tv...(workin at night...school at day..doesnt allow me)...but when i do ..i guess those american sitcoms are pretty ok (keep in mind i live in the Netherlands..out television sucks..after 11 pm all we get are fucking nasty ass ho's tryin to sell themselves...man oh man...)documentaries are kewl, dit was het nieuws, that 70's show, titus, family guy, god the devil n bob, malcolm in the middle, southpark, simpsons, that kinda stuff.


i'm an English Literature major...i uhm..have SO many favourites. I'll just name a few authors. (i'll add pics of certain books afterwards)First in mind tho, i'd have to say ....Kahlil Gibran, Shakespeare, Blake, D. Sugerman, Hemingway, Woolf, RUSHDIE, MULISCH!, Roald Dahl, Eugenides, Sartre, Orwell, D.Lodge, Vladimir Nobokov, Michael Moore, H.G.Wells, H.Fielding, D.Defoe, J. Gay, E.Bronte, J.Swift, also....Autobiographies, Biograpies, Photo books, poetry collections, Whitman, Marlowe, A.Pope, Baudelaire, Rinehart, Nietszche, Schopenhauer, (anything in philosophy)...way way too much....%


My Dad (RIP), Myself, Maynard, Reznor, B. Warner, T.Amos, F. Nietszche

My Blog


ya know something....?i am NO feminist( not the extreme modern kind who is very subjective and forgets to think outside of the feminist box type)...but ya know what really really gets to me? the fact ...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 12:20:00 PST


K PEEPS....so ..august 10th you heard them play at the cave..if you didn't u SUCK....:) For those of you who did come..thank you ...:) they'll be back in the spring..and they LOVED everyone at the cav...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:55:00 PST

the lesbo adventures of poor little confused indo chick who was raped by her daddy & liked it.

interested in this one?well i have lots to tell ....and this is a character who has been in my life for about 3 years...freedom of speech ...here goeslet's see how censored i will be for having exerci...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 03:36:00 PST

the life of my obese cant keep a man if u glued him on to her voodoo cousin back home..solange!

ever saw a human blowfish....?OH MAN...they're fucking huge and ugly when they are in human life form.....">Obese Bitch ..(hey i think she had food above her lip in this one WAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA ....
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 03:56:00 PST

The Adventures of 'in the closet homo' Robert aka the piss and shit in his kitchen guy

van teeseling....with the tiny wrists...who when on ecstasy pisses in his living room and kitchen garbage ...or takes a shit in his friends kitchen garbage ( i think this guy likes the kitchen.....(ga...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:56:00 PST

sint maarten...then and now

Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 04:34:00 PST


HMMMmmm...ok...see i wouldn't call names on this blog cuz its public and stuff but seriously...it's time i get a lil diplomatically honest with everyone...Miss C. (for me..also known as..vuile slet) h...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:40:00 PST

oops she did it again...LOL....she's not that SANE!!!!! HAHA

britney spearshahahahahaBALD...LOL waaaaaaah ha ha hahahahaha mental institution.....WAAAAAAH HA HA HA HAOH GOD I'M CRYING FROM HAPPINESSHAPPY TEARS....seriously....this is the best news ihave heard i...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST

Concerts...concerts...concerts...gotta love Musik!

k so ...just a ramble...i'm excited for all what's coming up ...:) INCUBUS 16 MARCH WOOT WOOT..FUCKIN WIKDNINE INCH NAILS 22 MARCH ...HELL FUCKING YES..FINALLY...TRENT IS A GOD...KAISER CHIEFS...:S NO...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:05:00 PST

kill bill...

What Kill Bill Character Are You? Beatrix (The Bride)You do what you need at any cost. You won't harm innocent people, but the guilty better back off!Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com...
Posted by ::duivelse trut:: on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:15:00 PST