Horror, Occult, 1700's-1900's, Music, Poetry, Literature.
I'd really like to meet you. Conocerte a ti.
|True Doom ways|
|Sticky Sludge|
|70's rock groove|
|Drone whispers|
|Eerie Country and rockabilly|
|Occult tunes of blues|
| Heavy Electronics|
|And whatever feels tasty|
hit me..
B-Line Horror, B-Line Sci-fi, 50's Sci fi, 80's Horror,Gore films,60-70's Italian, Horror Mexican Wrestling Movies, Italian Troma and Giallo,J-Horror, Harsh Films, Detective Movies,I love Fulci, Thrillers, Twyker, Romero, Lynch, among a huge list.
I love Lovecraft and Kierkegaard, and also enjoy the reading of some other nice fellas as;
E.A. Poe,I. Asimov, Shakespeare, Neruda, S. Rushdie, G. Orwell, J. Joyce, Ovidio,Goethe,H. Miller, C.Dickens,F. Kafka, H. Hesse, I. Calvino,J. Rulfo, M. Ende, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The grimm Bro..s, Dostoievski, C. Dickens, C. Baudelaire, A. Camus,M. Heidegger among another huge list.
All for staying with me and endure all of my shit.
Our sacred Mother Earth for regarding us with the sight of trees, the welcoming shade of mountains & the solitude of the sea.
Ancient vessels haunting the seas
Undead armies proclaiming retribution.
Elder beings lying sleeping
The crawling chaos
The blind idiotic god